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whats your thoughts on skiing??!?!

kort - 15 June 2010 03:05 AM
Kozeyekan - 15 June 2010 01:54 AM

I think there is a difference between skiers and people who ski.
Skiers like skiing, enjoy their runs and generally love the snow.

Some people who ski go to their chalet to look pretty on the mountain, and try to find a rich partner, after their third divorce. These people dislike having uncouth characters on planks of plywood defiling their mountain in search of fun, spoiling their search for another person to pay their bills.

Occasionally, I find myself sharing a chairlift with these self important baby boomer people, who’s contribution to snow sports is minimal, and their efforts to improve the human race limited to spawning some offspring which were birthed only to seal the marriage, and create a bigger alimony payment. They are often sent off to a boarding school as soon as the law allows.

This person who skis is like an off-piste pine tree. At some stage during the weekend, an older, wealthier skier will find themselves with their legs wrapped around it and a very painful and expensive groin injury.

These people ruin the image of skiers, who by and large as just as enthusiastic about having fun on the mountain as boarders.

So, I feel we need to create a third category of snow-goer: The Groin-Seeking Pine Tree (GSPT) to cover this gold digging category.

Geez someone sounds a tad bitter!

Just a little bit tho..


I got into boarding like 4 years ago when we went down to Thredbo on a weekend trip. After part of a lesson, me and my mate abandoned the group (people couldn’t stand up and we were doing ok) and went and kept practicing. I loved boarding and couldn’t wait for the next year.

When I worked in Jindy last year, we got free rentals from our work’s rental store. So one day, someone didn’t like boarding and convinced her boyfriend and me to try skiing with her. So as a good friend, I did it. After going down the magic carpet at the bottom of front valley once, I decided to go to the top of the V8. Went down that with no problems and easily got around. 2 hours later, I was bored and had sore shins. (not sure if that was due to shitty rental boots but it hurt.)

I actually enjoy sitting down to put bindings in, it gives me a rest, good chance to talk for a few minutes before doing your thing and you make sure you are secure before each run.

I have nothing against skiiers, mainly just the ones who go to look pretty and the stuck up ones that think boarding is crap. (And how they push all the snow into mounds… Except now I can jump off the mounds lol)


My goal this year is to try skis for the first time.


Go Kozeyekan. Nice rant. I found it thoroughly entertaining.


i started sking when i was 9 or so, i didn’t like it so much and i wasn’t to good at it :S.
so i tried out snowboarding and i havn’t looked back since!!! yer tongue rolleye


Wasn’t heaps keen on skiing to start of with, but I gave it a shot and really enjoyed it after a while.
Sometimes I find it hard which one to choose when faced with a lovely powder day.


i have loads of respect for good skiers, cause i have tried it in the past and its not easy. but i dont like the old conservatives who think there should be segregation between skiers and boarders and try to make life hard for boarders. but there are boarders out there that dont have much respect for skiers either.  watching skiers shred in the park or weaving between trees waist deep in powder is amazing and i think once i get past the age of 30 i’d take up skiing so i dont turn into a beaten up, out of control old snowboarder

xlugeladx - 15 June 2010 08:18 AM

Wasn’t heaps keen on skiing to start of with, but I gave it a shot and really enjoyed it after a while.
Sometimes I find it hard which one to choose when faced with a lovely powder day.

This is what my goal is in about 2 years time.

I would love to go to Japan and take both my skis and board and hit up the powder on both.

How long did it take you to get good at both?


i find myself sometimes thinking of giving skiing another go one day in spring time just for fun… i started with skiing but was never really good… i mean i probably did like a total of 7 days on them over an 8 year period. but i just like boarding SO MUCH MORE, i surf, i skate so it’s natural to want to stand sideways (i dont ride blades)

AS87550 - 15 June 2010 11:49 AM

.... and i think once i get past the age of 30 i’d take up skiing so i dont turn into a beaten up, out of control old snowboarder

Dude I am well into my 30s and have no desire to ski wink
As for being “beaten up” I now longer really ride the terrain park - I don’t quite bounce back like I used to. Every terrain fall hurts tha bit more nowadays….

As for being “out of control”, I always ride “in control” - its the sign of a good boarder wink


I started skiing, then had a big break with no snow, then figured I’d be crap at either, so took up snowboarding cos a friend does it. Never looked back.
We are going in the 21k falls creek x-country ski race this year, so should be amusing for a couple of snowboarders!
gotta get the inline skates out to get a bit of practice!

Just Giver - 15 June 2010 12:05 PM
xlugeladx - 15 June 2010 08:18 AM

Wasn’t heaps keen on skiing to start of with, but I gave it a shot and really enjoyed it after a while.
Sometimes I find it hard which one to choose when faced with a lovely powder day.

This is what my goal is in about 2 years time.

I would love to go to Japan and take both my skis and board and hit up the powder on both.

How long did it take you to get good at both?

I worked a season for about 4-5 months & I tried skiing about halfway through. I went skiing about twice a week but it was heaps easier to pick up then snowboarding. towards the end of the season I was doing half boarding, half skiing. Great fun.
It’s like boarding you get pretty good really quick in the first week or so then ur progression starts to slow down & you start focusing on the technical stuff like your stance etc.
I’m a way more confident boarder than skier but I think skiing has helped my boarding & boarding has helped my skiing.
+ you can also enjoy runs in different ways & sometimes look at them completely differently.

Japan is awesome but I found it cheaper to buy a board over there then bring mine from home, so that could be an option for you.

Banger - 15 June 2010 12:28 PM

i find myself sometimes thinking of giving skiing another go one day in spring time just for fun… i started with skiing but was never really good… i mean i probably did like a total of 7 days on them over an 8 year period. but i just like boarding SO MUCH MORE, i surf, i skate so it’s natural to want to stand sideways (i dont ride blades)

Yeah totally agree. Boarding is so good, anything to do with boarding I love.

kort - 15 June 2010 01:08 PM
AS87550 - 15 June 2010 11:49 AM

.... and i think once i get past the age of 30 i’d take up skiing so i dont turn into a beaten up, out of control old snowboarder

Dude I am well into my 30s and have no desire to ski wink
As for being “beaten up” I now longer really ride the terrain park - I don’t quite bounce back like I used to. Every terrain fall hurts tha bit more nowadays….

As for being “out of control”, I always ride “in control” - its the sign of a good boarder wink

Is 30 like the new 60?  I’m a couple years past the needing to try skiing age myself, geez if anything I’m faster and more in control than ever!

kort - 15 June 2010 01:08 PM
AS87550 - 15 June 2010 11:49 AM

.... and i think once i get past the age of 30 i’d take up skiing so i dont turn into a beaten up, out of control old snowboarder

Dude I am well into my 30s and have no desire to ski wink
As for being “beaten up” I now longer really ride the terrain park - I don’t quite bounce back like I used to. Every terrain fall hurts tha bit more nowadays….

As for being “out of control”, I always ride “in control” - its the sign of a good boarder wink

i’d agree. i think once you get to around the age of 60 i’d think about it but 30… that wold be a sucky life to give up that soon