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Boardworld Skater Progress Thread


Turtle - I actually am doing fakie 360 kick turns already. I saw an older skater in the park do it and I thought, that’s bad ass, I’m gunna learn that for sure. Although I only do them super low in the transition cause I eat s$%t if I try it any higher lol. I usually end my run with them if I run out of speed. But yeah, good idea, I might learn how to do them higher up and make them look good.

K2- Nice work with the transfers and flips, sick looking park too (of course, bloody melbourne)
I think nollie rocks look rad, and after I heard you were doing them I tried some…. not even close lol. I need to work on just nollies first i think.
I was trying to do just a 180 rock and roll a while ago but… that didn’t work out either.
But yeah I am doing tail stalls but not nose stalls, maybe nose stalls should be my next one


Well like have you got axels and feebles? Cause there a good trick to know since they improve your ramp skating. With the 180 rock just commit and you will get it man


I can frontside and backside axle pretty well now. I can’t feeble at all thought. What feeble is easier frontside or backside?


I find that back feeble stalls are easier than axles and front smith stalls are a little bit harder than axles


I always get the 2 confused.
Which is which again?

Smith is?

Feeble is?


smith is when you have your front trucks on the side of the coping where the tranny is. and feeble is where your front trucks are up on the deck of the ramp. soz if its a bit had to understand my explanation just let me know


hey andy i was reading through some old posts about how you ride heaps long boards. I think i might have met you before. like 8 weeks ago did you used to ride a really long hook ups deck. and you were riding at fivedock like on a work day and there was no one there. was it you do you reckon??


Was he 10ft tall? If so it was Andy wink


From what I remember. But I dunno it might not have been him


Nah I’ve never skated at 5 dock.
But it’s nice to know there are other giants out there skating. Other than tony hawk that is


Haha ok. Well the guy who was there had the longest board I’ve seen in my life. He scraped the bottom of his board and got stuck going in to the clam shell


I just learned how to Nose Stall cheese

And after I got comfortable(ish) with doing them I was able to link them with tail stalls on the other side.

Good times


Hell yeah boy!


Sick man. I’ve never been comfortable with dropping in switch. That’s sick!!


Yeah I haven’t tried just walking up and dropping in switch yet. But I can do it after a nose stall cause you get that rock motion.

I might try dropping in switch next time I’m feeling brave. My friend can tail stall and then switch feet and drop in switch. That would be cool to learn.