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Hey guys just downloading myself some new music
legally ofcourse wink
tell me your favorite song to cruze down the slopes to or the song that really gets you pumped up
any songs any styles are welcome


Big Ali - coconut rum
Kid Mac - freedom
Hoodie Allen - you are not a robot
Sam Adams - still I rise
Chiddy bang - mind your manners
Chris webby - I need a dollar
Trevor hall- lime tree
Those are like a variety of different styles I have in my playlist that I can remember of the top of my head. You should check them out


thanks mate, loving the chilled out kid mac song


Moderaat - A new error is probably my favourite at the moment. Was in a snowboard movie a couple of years ago. Or
Naked & Famous - young blood cos its in Art of Flight and gets me amped!


yeah kid mac is releasing a new album which is hitting stores on the 20th of april. pumped to check it out. he already has one sneak peek track up on youtube featuring mickey avalon.
also check out
HSN populous - outpost
these are some of the older guys that ride at my park and they are dope


also there is a similar sort of thread going in the skate section which i started a couple of days ago. you should check it out

Naked & Famous - young blood cos its in Art of Flight and gets me amped!

love that movie had to order it in from america when i couldnt find it here


JB HiFi had it on special if your ordered it online before christmas!


haha damn should have ordered it then


have never listened to music whilst riding before.
I like to hear if people are going to smash into me etc.

I bought some headphones to use whilst riding a few years ago but never used them.


you don’t have to have them in your ears, deano. I have them round my neck & its perfect.


I only like skate with mine in if im at a park cause im worried bout hetting hit by a car

cords - 06 March 2012 10:11 PM

you don’t have to have them in your ears, deano. I have them round my neck & its perfect.

i would have thought that at speed, all yo uwould hear is wind rushing past your ears?

i will have to give it a whirl this season.


well I don’t use buds…I have a $40 sony pair of whatever you call the headphones that aren’t buds & it works great. I wear them around my neck & the ear pieces on mine swivel, so I point them up - its like having a mini pair of speakers around your neck! I like it cos it is easy to tune in and out when need be, you can still have conversations with people and hear what is going on around you, etc - but the music is still there.


I got a helmet that has room in the ear flaps for headphones. Then I got some cheap Microsoft headphones and ripped off the mic and the band over head and got rid of the mic cables and just run that up the side of the jacket. Only problem is taking your helmet off, everything get stuck… but riding with it is mad.




In regards to the music I pump, I generally go for mashups, you get a good range of music and an album goes for 1h+ which I just change once I get to the top of a run smile.

Anything from:
Mashup Germany
Super Mash Bros
Best of Bootie

All good.


i don’t care what i’m listening to while i ride as long as i’m listening to my tunes on my new Audio-Technica Head Phones

<img src =“” width =“800”>

**Hint Hint**