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Radical! Gloves Needs Your HELP!


Hi Everyone,

We have made a lot of friends over in the US this season that are going to help us get RAD! into some of the best snowboard stores in the country!

One of the guys who is repping for us over here rides for a crew called SixEleven Productions.

They put months and months into an epic Christmas Edit that is part of the Nike Chosen Crew Video Contest..
SixEleven had the most popular video in the US for the first round. They’re now in the second round but have dropped out of the top 3!

If they are going to make it to Austria for the final round, they need your help and everyone elses help too!
Please head over to The Chosen page and vote for them.. You can vote once a day!

They clearly have the best edit, and they are going to dump RAD! logos and gloves in their final edit if they make it.

HELP us HELP them, PLEASE!!!

Here’s the link:

Go and vote once a day and spread the word please!

Thanks dudes!
Stay RAD!


Done. Come on guys, get on this! They could really use our help. smile


Good Hustle Son, They REEEALLY need our help!

How good is their edit?!


all over it son.


Voted. Will check the edit later


Yep, sick edit. Poor Santa…


Awesome edit. Cool concept. Dunno bout grandma tho…shes a bit creepy and has massive hands wink


Yeah, Grandma is damn creepy!!!!!!  surprised

And at last I can vote for somethin!!!!!! Twice!!!!!

Might even try again tomoz, and see if we can do multiples!!!!!


loved it! the way it finished was well done! voted!  shaka


If I vote everyday will RAD sponsor SNOcam? wink


ahhh very clever Mr Spaz….


Doesn’t look like ya can do multiple votes!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 01 March 2012 10:54 PM

Doesn’t look like ya can do multiple votes!!!!!

You can but it’s running on USA time so you probably can after about 3pm or so?

I’ve already voted twice.


Cool, I’ll have to wait then!!!!!

I did one of my phone and one off here yesterday!!!!!


i did 3 off my 3 diff computers. im special

deanobruce - 02 March 2012 12:30 AM

i did 3 off my 3 diff computers. im special

I knew it!!!!!