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~ Finally, Mizu’s Whistler Trip Report ~


So, ya all wanted a TR, so I have finally completed one for yas!!!!!
This should keep ya busy at work for hours, if ya can stay awake that is!!!!!



Day Un

Left home 7:30 in the morning for the lunch time flight from Sydney to Vancouver, and we unfortunately didn’t have our usual tagalongs in the form of Miss Pops, Baby Mizu and Warren askin “are we there yet, where do we go next, what do we do now”????? It did however feel like there was something missin!!!!! Mrs Mizu says “like a piece of your heart”, I say more like an ulcerated tooth, but hey it was missin either way whatever it was!!!!!
On board flight AC033 and as expected after the first 20 mins we have had enough of sittin on a plane!!!!! After 15 hours in the air we arrived in Vancouver at 7:30 in the morning, hung in the arrivals terminal for our 10:00 am bus to take us up to Whistler!!!!! After a spectacular two and a half hour drive along the Sea to Sky Hwy that was lied with snow capped mountains from start to finish, and with pristine bays of water around islands dotted throughout, we eventually got to our destination, Whhhhistler!!!!!

Pretty sure we’re in the right place!!!!!!

Downtown Vancouver

The Lions Gate Bridge

The view along the Sea to Sky Highway

Another one along the Sea to Sky

By the time we stepped foot into the village it was about 1:00 pm, and instantly we liked what we saw!!!!! Reminiscent of Thredbo in some ways, only 20 times bigger, more open, and scattered with thousands of snow covered pines as opposed to our Aussie gums!!!!!

The Village

Lookin across the road from one of our verandas

Offloaded our gear into our dwellin for the next two weeks at the Pinnacle Hotel!!!!! Small but with the fireplace, two balconies and in room Jacuzzi, we think that we will be most comfortable when not out on the playin field!!!!! We then met up with Michelle after she had finished work, so as to pick up Mrs Mizu’s binders that Jez had kindly picked up for us in Van!!!!! First we got a small tour of the essentials area, the supermarket and bottle’o around the bottom end of town, then we headed over to where Michelle and Jez live in Creekside!!!!! Met up with Jez’s best friend in Whistler, Lucky, who was not only found to be partial to a pork flavoured treat but also loved to be scratched behind the ears, before headin off in a cab back to the village and a hot tub, cheese and tomato on toast and battle our way through to 8:00pm before crashin like a train wreck!!!!!

Mrs Mizu, Michelle and Lucky

Woke up 1:30 in the morning, so I watched a bit of cable for a while, then about 20 mins after turning it off I had realized that I hadn’t put Mrs Mizu’s stomp pad on her new setup!!!!! Doh!!!!! So up I got, and went about the layout process of the pink studs!!!!! What a dilemma!!!!! At this time I had noticed that I had a rash all over me!!!!! WTF????? My sensitive skin had reacted with the harsh chemicals that they use in the hotel soaps!!!!! Jeremy must not find out about my sensitive side, or I will cop it for the whole fortnight!!!!! Must keep this under wraps!!!!!

Day Deux

Up at the crack of dawn, and off to the “Drug Store” to get some antihistamine for my new ostrich skin!!!!! Stopped at Micky D’s on the way back to grab a couple of Bacon and Egg Biscuits!!!!! After breaky and gearin up we walked along the Village Stroll to jump onto our first lift up the hill, the Whistler Gondola, and the first chat with some locals along the 20 min journey!!!!! Two Aussie guys (Chris and Dave) doin a season in Whis, hahahahaaa!!!!! While sellin them on the benefits of bein a Boardworld member, we had realized that not only one of the guys (Dave) had a YES Tasmaniac and a sandbox helmet, but he also had a set of FLUX TT30’s bolted onto his ride!!!!! This guy just had to be cool!!!!! As we neared the top of the gondola, I was telling them to keep an eye out for finney workin the lifts, then as we stepped out of the cabin, walked out the door, who else would I bump into on my first appearance on the hill????? Finney!!!!! He had spotted my board from 10 meters away and came over to greet me!!!!! What a welcome!!!!! I still reckon that he had been sittin there all morning just to greet us at the top of the hill!!!!!
Had a few runs around Red and Emerald Chairs, then stopped for a feed of vegetable chilli at Ravens!!!!! Went out for more laps, then finished off with a run to the bottom, under the watchful eye of the “Speed Police”!!!!! Stopped for amber coloured refreshments at the Longhorn, before headin back to get ready to head out for ribs and steak at Ric’s!!!!! After dinner, hit the hot tub to watch the Canucks beat the Black Hawks 3 – 2, “Suck big ones Warren” was my chant at full time!!!!!

In between the Red and Emerald chairlift sits The Roundhouse

Another view to the left of The Roundhouse toward Red chair

Saw my cuz up at the Roundy hey


That bear looked like he was making u very happy smile hahaha


Day Trois

Woke up in the morning to 15 – 25cm of fresh all the way down to the village!!!!! Lots of low fog and cloud, so we busted out the high vis lenses, raced up the gondola and half way up, bam, blue sky beauty!!!!! We rode as many stashes of fresh around Red, Emerald, Peak, Symphony and Harmony areas that we could find!!!!! Around 2:00 we decided to get a lift on the Peak to Peak and head over to Blackcomb Mountain for a Belgium Waffle at Crystals Hut!!!!! Ohhhhhh yeahhhhhhh………

Lookin up into part of the Symphony Amphitheatre from the bottom of Harmony chair

And in the other direction

After our fruity sugar fix we had a couple of runs down “Rock and Roll”, with freshies still to be found on the side hits all the way down to the village!!!!! Heard the banter numerous times about this day bein declared “The day of the season so far”, as we sat and had a couple of cold ones at The Longhorn!!!!! Back to the confines of the hot tub, and a pizza delivery was on the cards as we were STUFFED from an epic day of ridin!!!!!

Let’s Rock’N’Roll baby

Day Quatre

Knowin very well that we were gonna be up for a big day of ridin and night trip into Van for the Ice Hockey, we decided to have a late start, and slept in a bit!!!!! We headed straight up to Symphony for a few laps before headin back down to the village for beer and chips at the Dublin Gate Irish Pub!!!!! Then back to the Pinnacle to get ready for “Operation Art Gallery”, where by Jeremy and Michelle just happen to bump into us at our hotel, while both of our parties were coincidently off to locations outside of Whistler!!!!! So with agreement between Jeremy, Leanne and myself, we were off to the Vancouver Art Gallery!!!!! Michelle had no idea that our Canucks jersey’s were packed and ready for the match against the Detroit Red Wings!!!!! We stopped for a couple of photo opportunities that the awesomeness of BC had to offer, and even attempted to get a shot of a Bald Eagle (What mine and Warren’s love child would most likely be categorised as) at the park where the world record for eagle spottin has been claimed!!!!! I didn’t even see a sparrow!!!!! WTF????? As I was consumed with my “Eagle Spottin” Jez filled the car with fuel and unbeknown to me had swiped his card for a prepay, the common way of refuelling in Canada, before letting me make an idiot of myself by allowin me to then try to pay cash for the fuel again at the cashier!!!!! Spray in the Face warranted????? Yes!!!!! Next stopping in at Michelle’s parents place to allow Jeremy to enact part of the scam, then onward to meet Michelle’s brother in order to finalize the deal!!!!! Tickets in hand and directions on how to get to the stadium, and now not only did Michelle hav no idea where we were goin, either did Jez!!!!! Once we had pulled up outside the stadium with no idea where to park, Michelle clicked!!!!! We were goin to the Hockey!!!!!

A nice little spot to stop on the way to the hockey

After we parked in CostCo (No Dr Pepper and Cookie Dough purchases though), we looked for a place to grab a quick lamb sandwich before headin into the stadium for what was to be a dissapointin end to what was an awesome event, with the Canucks losin in the shootout after a 3 all fulltime score!!!!! The kebab was actually quite good value as well, as I got to taste it several more times that night, and while I have known to be wrong on the odd occasion, I’m pretty sure that the group in the next mornins gondola got a sample too!!!!!

Come on, give ya Dad a kiss!!!!!

Oh Canada, Oh Canada……

Even though ya won, take this Detroit!!!!!

On the journey home to Whis we stopped off at Tim Horton’s at Squamish, for a Hot White Chocolate and Timbits (Little flavoured doughnut balls of goodness)!!!!! :Homer Simpson Dribble:


Day Cinq

A bit of a sleep in after a late night, and then we geared up for a few laps under Red and Green Chairs before getting a late lunch at Chick Pea, and to feed the Whiskey Jacks!!!!! A blue Bird day feedin the local birds, how good can this get????? Back home for the usual Jacuzzi, then ready up for a feed at Mongolie Grill with Jez, Michelle and finney!!!!! My “self derived” chilli beef stir fry was the bomb!!!!! Good food, good company, a 3 Musketeer’s Bar, BBQ Lays, a few more beers and goodnight, was the only way to sign off on day 5!!!!!

One of Warrens relo’s, the Whiskey Jack

Oh yeah, also saw this little fella in the village earlier on

The Mongolie Crew

Day Six

A late breaky at Starbucks consistin of a cappuccino and a cream cheese bagel, before headin up to Blackcomb to meet Skip and his mates, along with Jez, Michelle and three of her students!!!!! Bloody little show offs flyin down the hill at the age of 6!!!!!
Also managed to play a game of ‘Spray in The Face’ with Jez, after Skip had informed me that Jez was keen to go, and yet while I wasn’t sure of the rules of the game, I still think that I had won, as I could hear the cursin of a defeated opponent from 200 meters away down the slope!!!!! A few sweet laps around Blackcomb and Whistler with everyone, then back down into the village, and Crystals Lounge for beers and chicken wings with Jez and Michelle!!!!! Then a waffle cone of “Gooey Mooey” at Cows, which was obligatorily followed buy a ride on the rodeo cow, then back to the (You guessed it) hot tub for a few more beers and to watch Transformers on cable!!!!! What more does one need to make a day complete, I ask ya?????

The Crew outside The Roundhouse, taken just as my board fell and started a journey toward the bottom of the mountain (Luckily skips mate had lightnin fast reflexes)

Whoa there Bessie!!!!!

Day Sept, à mi-chemin là  (Halfway There)

Cruisy morning due to the o’night thaw/freeze conditions makin the hill turn to concrete for the first part of the day, so we decided to slide down to Dusty’s at Creekside for a recommendation from finney for a pulled pork sandwich with “butt rub” mayo!!!!! Oh yeah, I think we’re in Kansas again Toto!!!!! And oddly enough, the waitress didn’t even bat an eyelid when I asked for an extra butt rub with my fries????? We then headed over to the village for a few beers and watch some of the Superbowl, as a pre preparation for a late feed at Sushi Village with the crew!!!!! Some new information came to light in the form of Jeremy’s love of a certain drink, the Strawberry Daiquiri!!!!! WTF????? Michelle has gotta start playin tough with this kid!!!!!  After an awesome feed of sushi rolls, sukiyaki, edamame and all washed down with Japanese beer and sake, before I realized that I had completely forgotten about it bein my birthday, when I was presented with a Monster Shot and a sing along by the crew!!!!! I was sure that my birthday was in june!!!!!
All in all, another fun night with the Whistler Kids!!!!!

Superbowl from the hot tub

The Sushi Set

I think Jez might have been getting into the spirit of Pride Week, and drinkin way too many Strawberry Daiquiris’


Day Huit

A planned day off the slopes, for a day on the Sleds!!!!! We were off to go snowmobilin around the back of Sproat Mountain!!!!! Mrs Miz didn’t wanna ride one solo, so we got the twin seater to ride up the mountain and check out some awesome views from the top of the Callaghan Valley on a perfect day!!!!! We then came across an open playground so I could play solo, so I ditched the Boss and went in search of some freshies to make my mark on!!!!! I would love to have a go on the single seat high powered ones next!!!!! Japan 2013 it’s on!!!!! Felt a bit sorry for my pillion on the way home as the trail was pretty chopped up and bumpy in some places, but she had told me that the seats were pretty plush at the back, so all was good in the end!!!!! Literally!!!!!
Back to the village and starving like a fat kid at the Jenny Craig consultation, I devoured a Splitz Grill Double in no time straight!!!!! If ya ever go to Whistler, this is a must do!!!!! While it looks like the worst burger ever made, it truly is The Bomb!!!!!

This is how ya get to the top of the world

I think I’m gonna play over that hill behind me

I think that I have created a problem

A stroll around the village took us to a gallery that contained my next Hanukkah present from Jez!!!!! A $40,000 marble bear!!!!! I was soon to be out of pocket myself as Mrs Mizu then decided that her birthday present would also be a carved bear made from soapstone, that had the same $40,000 price tag as mine!!!!! Doh, can’t I ever get ahead!!!!!

I don’t think that it’s too much to ask for

We then stupidly decide that because we had missed lunch, that we were then quite capable to take on the crepe joint, and before we knew it, a strawberry crepe and maple syrup sundae later we found that a stagger back to our room followed by a lay down in the kickin turtle position, was required for the next hour or so at least!!!!!

The Splitz Double

The deadly deserts, strawberry crepe

Maple syrup ice cream, walnuts and more maple syrup with whipped cream on top

Day Neuf

Another blue bird day started off with a visit to the Native American Cultural Centre in the mornin, so as to let the hill thaw a little before we go for a shred!!!!! Some really cool stuff in there, and all ran by the Squamish (River People) of the area!!!!!
A bowl of soup in the village, then up the mountain to do a few laps with finney, Jez and Michelle, before they left Mrs Mizu and I to continue on till last lifts, and havin last runs that seemed like we had the whole mountain to ourselves!!!!! It was dark and freakin cold on our very last descent!!!!!

Time to stop and reflect!!!!! On how friggin sore my legs are!!!!!

Then off the Elephant & Castle to watch the hockey on the box and grab the $10 deal, that consisted of a burger and a pint of Kokanee Gold!!!!!

There be Gold in that thar glass


Day Dix

A bit of cloud around this morning and hopefully some fresh flakes along with it, as we strolled into the village for a big breaky at the Brassiere to start our day!!!!!
After breaky we headed up the Whistler gondola only to see flakes a fallin!!!!! F%^& Yeah!!!!! Jumped onto the Peak to Peak and rode over to Seventh Heaven for a few runs, before comin back over to ride with Jez and Shaner while Mrs Mizu went for a Hot Chocolate break at the Roundhouse!!!!! We had some deep and meaningful conversations on the chairs about the influence that certain type of music genres have on ya ridin, until Shaner got all emotional on us and we had to change the topic over to weird people and how they can make you actually feel comfortable in certain social situations!!!!! I was very comfortable indeed!!!!! Who needs therapy when ya got Jez and Shaner to go ridin with????? Oh, and Shaner CAN RIDE!!!!!  Except for when he ate shit in front of the lift base after he had just cleared a double gap hit 20 meters up from there, but only just after Jez had eatin snow off a little side hit, and that was only after finney had taken a 15 ft drop to the arse bone mid way through the day!!!!! Yes!!!!! My shoulder was safe, as these things always happen in threes!!!!! Oh, I meant…….. hope you guys are feelin alright?????
Off to grab another Splitz Double with Leanne and Jez, with Jez grabbin a lamb lentil kofta burger or somethin like that, as eatin beef was now against his Hindi heritage!!!!! Crazy kid!!!!! Afterwards stopping in at LIDS (the ultimate cap store) to get an RDS cap that I have had my eye on for a couple of days!!!!! With drizzle in the village telling us that it would be a snowin up top,  we set our minds on goin to the peak first thing to see what we can float on!!!!! Showed Jez my next present from him, and for some reason he didn’t really seem that keen!!!!! After all I’ve done for him, bloody unappreciative kids don’t wanna part with a measly 40G’s!!!!!
So after I washed off my disappointment, we headed over to Dusty’s at Creekside for a beer and our first taste of a Ceaser!!!!! If ya have never had one, I am sure that it is the Canadian’s national practical joke on tourists!!!!! It consists of, Clamato Juice (a mix on it’s own that is so freakin weird in itself!!!!! A blend of tomato juice and clam broth!!!!!), bacon infused vodka, Worcestershire sauce, that is served in a tall glass that is garnished with a pickled bean, a celery stick and a piece of beef jerky, and then as if that wasn’t enough the glass then had to have a celery salt encrusted rim!!!!! Think, drinkin a box of wet BBQ Shapes with some salad vegetables thrown in for texture!!!!!

This tastes bloody horrible!!!!!

Well, I gotta try that then!!!!!

Then, as we just about to leave I get approached by one of my fan club!!!!! It was Nikky, dressed in her PJ’s and well into celebratin a big night with the lifty crew!!!!! Do ya remember meetin us at Dusty’s that night, Nikky????? Ya didn’t come ridin with us that weekend!!!!! Jeremy put it down as ya maybe not keen to ride with him though, cause he wont hand his mobile number over to anyone!!!!! : )

Day Onze

Doh, Slept in yet again!!!!! Must be getting old!!!!! I hit the hill solo this morning as Mrs Mizu wanted a day off the hill to do some shoppin!!!!! If only I could do that at home!!!!! Went straight up to peak to look for some fresh snow, even though the visibility was down to about 3 meters!!!!! Decided to try Peak to Creek, an 11km leg burner that runs down to Creekside, where I eventually met up with Jez as he had finally finished combin his hair and applyin his skin moisturiser!!!!! We rode West Bowl as he showed me around, and can see just how awesome it would be when it’s runnin knee deep in the bowls!!!!! Kept cruising till close before headin back to grab a pizza the size of a truck wheel!!!!! Chilled out on the bed watchin the idiot box after another satisfyin day!!!!!

Will this fit on a 5 stud pattern?????


Day Douze

Awoken by Jeremy texin Moos!!!!!

I think he’s been eatin too much grass

We head up top to find a fresh layer of snow, with a soft wet coat down on the lower slopes!!!!! Met up with Marc, so along with Jez and Mrs Miz we rode Peak to Creek for a leg burner!!!!! Marc was hittin anything and everythin with a passion, and a great style to boot!!!!! Once at the bottom, we waited up for Michelle to meet up with us, so we made a YES Tree at the bottom of the lifts!!!!! We couldn’t leave Jez out, so we garnished the offerin with his Burton Pig!!!!! I reckon they might be able to make a drink out of this combination good enough to rival the ceaser????? We can call it the Jezius Ceaser, a drink that is made from pork infused fibreglass, fluorinated wax, birch tree bark, garnished with carbon strips and whenever consumed leaves ya sayin YES, YES, YES!!!!!

The tree of love

MMMM!!!!! Marc, Mizu, Moo Moo and Mum

Headed up for another run from the top before separatin half way down to the village!!!!! Off to Earls Steakhouse tonight for what was to be one of our best feeds in Whistler!!!!! It was so good that I was fearful that I could have actually lost the use of any of my bodily functions at any stage of the meal!!!!! Back to the hotel for a few beers and a Big Bang Theory marathon!!!!! (Out of the gutter!!!!! Out of the gutter!!!!!)

Day Treize

Up early to get the most out of the o’night dustin, and was met with visibility that was down to about 2 meters, so Mrs Mizu and I decided to run back down to the lower third of the hill and practice our switch ridin under the Fitzsimmons chair!!!!! Goin great till I did my sciatic nerve, so we heard the cold comfort of beer callin loud and clear!!!!! Just as we were at the bottom, we ran into Marc, he had been ridin up top and after he had told us that the conditions up top were the same as the morning, we were glad of our decision to ride lower without the crowds!!!!! Went for a beer at Dublin Gate, but after a super long wait for our first bevies, decided to change tact!!!!! Down to Crystals and feelin every step on the way to my next medicinal beverages!!!!! Had to try a national Canadian dish of Poutine!!!!! Now this was much better on the taste buds than a ceaser, but I’m not sure just how good the circulatory system handled it!!!!!! Poutine is basically chips and gravy, but it also has the addition of cheese curds!!!!! Damn tasty!!!!! Mrs Mizu had a Canadian peach cider that was mighty tasty as well, while I washed my poutine down with pints of finney’s favourite, Granville Island Honey Lager!!!!!


Back out the staired exit after 4 pints and I swear that someone was stabbin me in the side every step that I took!!!!! Home for some voltaren, more beers and a hot tub to settle my tears!!!!! Later we walked up to the base of the village to watch the rail jam they had runnin that night!!!!! Saw some epic moves along with some teeth clenchin wipe outs!!!!! We then ran up another appetite by the end of the show so we went to fatima’s choice for fine dinin, and ate bits of the colonel’s favourite recipe along with a tub of wasabi coleslaw!!!!! WTF????? Home to bed for an early morning in hope that I could go ridin with Jez, skip, and his crew the next day!!!!!

Day Quatorze

Woke up still feelin a little bit of pain in the back, so I texted the guys to let them know that I might not be comin out to play!!!!! : (
So down to Macca’s to get some breaky, and try the bacon and egg McGriddle’s!!!!! Instead of a muffin it was assembled usin two maple syrup hotcakes, and despite how gross it sounds, actually went down well!!!!! Around midday I was feelin a lot better, so I decided to head on out and try for a lap with the boys!!!!! Originally set out to ride under Fitzsimons chair for a test, but when we got to the base it was closed, so we went up the top to meet the guys at the Roundhouse!!!!! We had a few top to bottom runs before sayin farewell to skip and his buddies, as we wouldn’t be seein them again!!!!! Ended up goin for another run with Jez, and what was to be my last run in Whis, before havin a roll in the snow with Jez, after he filled my helmet with village slush!!!!! Bloody kids!!!!! Back for a feed in the village, then get ready to go out and meet up with Jez, Michelle and Lucky at the base for Fire and Ice!!!!! Not bongs and crack cocaine, but a bit of a show they have every Sunday, where riders jump through flaming hoops that culminates with a fireworks display!!!!! Really cool, and worth every dollar that ya don’t have to pay!!!!! After the show we head down town for an ice cream and watch Jez as he tries to put on a show of his own, by ridin the fibreglass cow out the front!!!!! We could call this show ‘Beef and Boof’ I thought to myself????? But then I thought, who the hell is gonna wanna see this show!!!!! Hmmm, maybe if I set the cow on fire while he’s on it????? Strolled around the village shops actin like fools and havin some good laughs in the mix!!!!!

The ring of fire (pretty sure that isn’t Johnny Cash bustin out that grab though)

The girls actin like animals

Jez monkeyin around

Not sure who this guy is, but it was gay week in Whistler

Mooooove out of the way kids, my name’s rider26!!!!! The 26 stands for how many kids have crossed my path and lost!!!!!!


Day Quinz “D Day” (Departure Day) : (

So this was it!!!!! Time just seems to fly by so damn quick when ya havin fun!!!!! Packed all our gear in complete hesitation!!!!! (Was there any way that we could stay longer????? Would the Hotel/Mountain/Airline/My Work buy a cockamamie story about how we got our dates mixed up due to the time difference, and accidently stayed on for an extra week?????)
Chucked our gear into storage then did a last lap of the village, that included eggs Benedict at the french creperie, and then bypassin lunch, we went for a couple of beers at the Brew House in front of the open fire!!!!!  About to grab some ribs for dinner, but they said that the kitchen wasn’t gonna be able to make them for another 15mins, so we decided that we will have one more Splitz Grill as it may possibly be our last ever, and to console ourselves as we couldn’t live with that thought!!!!! Our third feed at that joint, and it will forever hold a place in our hearts!!!!! Although that might just be the garlic sauce givin me indigestion that I could feel?????
After devourin our burgers we then decided that we had better return to our hotel to get our gear and be ready for our bus to the airport!!!!! As soon as we got to the hotel, the dude at reception told us to ring our Whistler Son immediately, and handed us a note!!!!!

Note from one of the concerned kids

Gave Jez a call, and then 5 mins later we were greeted by Jez, Michelle, finney and Michelle’s friend Carly, who we also rode with briefly one day, oh and Lucky even showed his hairy mug as well!!!!!
We said our goodbye’s, and I’m positive that finney had a tear in his eye as we man hugged!!!!! Maybe it was that or maybe he just had an earlier allergic reaction to either Lucky or Jeremy?????
Sorry to leave, we dragged our bags out the door like disappointed school kids on the way home on report day, and over to our awaitin bus for our reverse 24 hour journey home to Kuma Cottage!!!!!
Oh, and they swabbed my gear TWICE for drugs at the Vancouver airport!!!!! Maybe they had overheard me mentionin how I love the white powder?????

Some random pics;

Mrs Mizu and I at the INUKSHUK (to act in the capacity of a human, it’s symbol of friendship, a very appropriate symbol for our time in Whistler)

Saw blizzard there

K2 and blizzard had both been on this chair, not sure if it was at the same time though?????

Guess which one I am!!!!! Go on, guess!!!!!

Gave these beers a hidin, among many others

One of my favourites

Milk Duds, Oh Yeah!!!!!

They even make their own brand of toilet in CRANADA

We had had enough of each other by the end of the fortnight

The Olympic rings

The village at night

Another one of the village at night

THE END!!!!!! (Thank F$#@ I hear you say!!!!!)


hey mizu sorry for posting in between if you can remove that post just remove it .. i didnt think there was more to come lol ..

lanox - 23 February 2012 10:31 AM

That bear looked like he was making u very happy smile hahaha

I think he was goin for my wallet!!!!!

Ya have heard the sayin, “is that a bear in ya pocket, or are ya just excited to see me”!!!!!


nice TR man was good reading it…..

lanox - 23 February 2012 10:46 AM

hey mizu sorry for posting in between if you can remove that post just remove it .. i didnt think there was more to come lol ..

I thought that I would definitly have time to post each one as it would take longer to read them!!!!!

You obviously just looked at the pictures!!!!! Didn’t ya lano!!!!!  hmmm

I’m gonna have a quiz tomorrow on this, so ya had better start readin!!!!!


well i read it now but believe it or not i did look at the pictures at first but when i saw the bear one i just had to comment lol


So ya should be ready for the quiz tomorrow then!!!!!  LOL


yes dad


I’m hungry.