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Wearing the pants?

Poll: Do you "Wear the Pants" in your relationship?
Total Votes: 17
You’re goddamn right I do!
I haven’t been allowed to own pants for some time....................
Neither, we wear sarongs together!
Mizu Kuma - 21 February 2012 03:45 AM

Ill have to check it out when I get home!!!!!

(That’s if I’m allowed to get on the computer!!!!!)

looks like we know who wears pants in this relation ship ay mizu and in this pic i can see who is wearing a skirt.



wait….you said you dont have pants on. And your not home? Please tell me your not at work pantless


^^ maybe he is wearing that skirt right now…


So who wears the socks in your relationship, lano?????

Mizu Kuma - 21 February 2012 03:58 AM

So who wears the socks in your relationship, lano?????

i wear the 3cs socks thank you very much looks like ur boss doesn’t even let you wear socks.

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 21 February 2012 03:52 AM


wait….you said you dont have pants on. And your not home? Please tell me your not at work pantless

I refuse to answer that question on the grounds it may incriminate me!!!!!



lanox - 21 February 2012 03:59 AM
Mizu Kuma - 21 February 2012 03:58 AM

So who wears the socks in your relationship, lano?????

i wear the 3cs socks thank you very much looks like ur boss doesn’t even let you wear socks.

Yeah, she doesn’t like me talkin to strange men in gondolas!!!!!


huh i expected better call from u mizu


Now that’s an interesting question. I guess most people like to think that they “wear the pants”, but in a relationship you’ve got to work out some compromises based on what each persons needs are and what is best for all parties concerned in terms of the situations couples find themselves in. In short I think that one has to work out what things:

1) Make them happy.
2) What things are really important to them.
3) Is personal happiness more important than shared happiness.
4) Is it important to make sacrifices and to put partner’s and kids needs and feelings ahead of one’s own.
5) If you’ve read this far and genuinely think about this stuff then the pants wearing is probably shared and that’s a good thing.


lanox - 21 February 2012 05:27 AM

huh i expected better call from u mizu

Well I was pretty pleased with that one!!!!!

And in our relationship, that’s all that matters!!!!!

MoonUnit - 21 February 2012 05:46 AM

Now that’s an interesting question. I guess most people like to think that they “wear the pants”, but in a relationship you’ve got to work out some compromises based on what each persons needs are and what is best for all parties concerned in terms of the situations couples find themselves in. In short I think that one has to work out what things:

1) Make them happy.
2) What things are really important to them.
3) Is personal happiness more important than shared happiness.
4) Is it important to make sacrifices and to put partner’s and kids needs and feelings ahead of one’s own.
5) If you’ve read this far and genuinely think about this stuff then the pants wearing is probably shared and that’s a good thing.


So in short…............ its Mrs MU?????


I’m with moon unit. I’m more than happy to let my husband make the call on most things and likewise him for me.
I don’t think it is fair to say people are “under the thumb” or whatnot if they choose to take their partner’s views into consideration & respect their wishes and opinions. If they do it all the time and don’t have any freedom then that is where there can be problems but it is up to each couple to find their own balance and make sure they respect each other and themselves in what they are doing. Being best friends helps a lot with this!

Truth is that it is a fine line and no one is going to make the right call 100% of the time.

cords - 21 February 2012 06:21 AM

I’m with moon unit. I’m more than happy to let my husband make the call on most things and likewise him for me.
I don’t think it is fair to say people are “under the thumb” or whatnot if they choose to take their partner’s views into consideration & respect their wishes and opinions. If they do it all the time and don’t have any freedom then that is where there can be problems but it is up to each couple to find their own balance and make sure they respect each other and themselves in what they are doing. Being best friends helps a lot with this!

Truth is that it is a fine line and no one is going to make the right call 100% of the time.

Right-on Cords.

I’d just like to add that all I wrote before is dependent on each person in a relationship having a good level of respect for themselves and their partner. Without that things won’t last long.

...and yes Mizu is right. I wear the pants when I’m allowed.



I knew it!!!!!

Only kiddin, I agree whole heartedly that ya have to have a balance!!!!!

Just like when ya ridin, no balance and you’ll definitely come unstuck!!!!!