The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
Poll: Where you want to stay / for how many days Total Votes: 31 |
The Sundeck - 7 nights | 8 |
The Sundeck - 2 nights / weekend only | 5 |
The Sundeck - 3-5 nights (including the weekend) | 6 |
The Station - 7 nights | 2 |
The Station - 2 nights / weekend only | 4 |
The Station - 3-5 nights (including the weekend) | 2 |
Other - please reply and tell us. | 4 |
I want to stay for a few days after the 15/16th weekend | 0 |
That would be pretty epic, tandem mankini flying squirrel on a blue bird day off a jump in the front valley park in front of the pub ha ha ha!. You do not want to come off though, there was a chick at Big bear riding in a crop top when I was there who had obviously come off and was sporting a really raw looking sandpapered skin injury on her hip bone, did not look pleasant.
Im still goin for the massive squirell again this year
when i was staying on snow up at Guthega when i was younger, i built a kicker of a cat track and was hitting it all day. took my jacket off for my last jump. stacked and tore my skin on my ribs due to sliding over ice.
So in saying that, i will do the jump no worries, but no squirrel. Just a simple grab
Im still goin for the massive squirell again this year
Best you upgrade your hospital cover then K2. I reckon you’ll need it cos Oz will tear you a new one if she has to cart you down the hill.
Bumping this. We’re going to have to make some decisions soon.
Lock it in Eddie!!!!!
Get a quote for the amount of days and give us a month to get the deposit down… 7 / 5 / 3 / 2 day options would be good.
Then work out who will need a friend to share a room / or a few friends and lets get this rolling
What’s the go?????
I’ve booked this in with work, and I’m uber keen to lock this down!!!!!!
Since my good mate is having us go to Bali in mid oct for his Bucks week, i wil only be able to do the weekend (prob head down thurs night)
Who wants to share a room for the weekend? most likely sundeck,
Definitely going for a week, but ill have to have a meeting with Ullr pride crew and make a qucik decision
dolph i think we r gonna stay at the lake jindabyne hotel, we stayed there for i night last year, the room was massive and it was pretty cheap right next to everything in town, but the only thing is we r gonna have 2 drive up in the moring
ill talk with the boys n we will figure it out and let ya no dolph
Why not stay at Station Mika? Gotta be cheaper than the hotel right?
I think they work out pretty similar in price Dan. They only issue is that is seems mika wants to go for the nightlife in Jindy… which in spring there is none because most of the people working on the mountain have gone home and spring is more for die hards and beginners than your average party goers…