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Boardworld Skater Progress Thread


Haven’t skated in a while since I started working. Good progress guys smile I suck so much at tran tricks.


So dont know where to start with my very overdue update!
Been skating heaps. Usually at least 3-4 times a week. Sometimes more. Sometimes only 2 times a week.

My skating has improved heaps. Feel like a much more confident skater in general.

Been dropping into some bigger bowls and getting better and cutting laps and taking different lines in them. No lip tricks in them, just doing laps by just pumping.

Backside 50s and 5-0s are getting solid on quaters/bowls. Just trying to take them to bigger n bigger ones now. 5-0s arent sliding that far yet.

On the small quaters I have been getting nollie disaters! Stoked on that. Happened just this week. Almost got quite a few front crooks on some ledges on the weekend. felt wicked!
Air outs of the quaters at Boxhill and was getting indys. decent height air too
Really what I have been happiest with is I am trying heaps of different types of tricks on all features in the parks and spots I have been skating at. Doing lines (well kinda. land a trick and roll straight into the next feature and do another trick). Being creative has been the funnest part of it all, and has helped me progress the most.

I have gone through a few stages where I feel I have stopped progressing or even gone backwards in some areas, but then it comes good again.

Been skating with some good skaters. It has been great to watch them and try to learn from them. Skated with Jeremy Corea on Friday last week. Man he is awesome to watch! Landing everything and making it look so easy.

Another thing that has helped has been going to different parks and spots. It broadens your riding abilities for sure. Head to the Spots thread to see pics. Lately I have skated Knox (my home park), Prahran (awesome fun!), Boxhill, SkateParkOfMelbourne/Rampit (mitchem indoor), Ballistyx Bowl, Berwick and Cranbourne ledges (awesome fun spot. will get pics soon).

getting new shoes this week. mine are shredded enough that i was cutting my socks to bits with every ollie.

Skate on peeps!


Sick progress K2! It’s so good skating with someone better than you because when you watch them land tricks you get so pumped up.

I went for a skate tonight and it’s the first skate in a while. I have to say I’ve gone backwards in progression and pretty much had to relearn my ollies because they were so sketchy. As the night progressed my ollies got better and higher than ever smile


You really have been skating a lot. I can’t believe you’re airing out and grabbing that’s so sick. I want to be able to get in the air so badly, cause it will feel like snowboarding. I’ve been jumping off a quarter and grabbing and then landing on grass but I’m no where near airing out and back in.

How did you learn to air out? How did u work up to it?

It kinda sucks for me cause I just skate by myself so I have no one to learn from.


When I said air outs. I dont mean airs in the ramp and back into it. I mean air out of the quater and land on the flat on top. So not doin FS or BS airs in the quaters yet!!
But gonna try air to fakies soon in some smaller ones cos my nollies off the coping are feeling good and floaty, but only landing to disaster on smaller quaters. gonna move to bigger ones soon.

If ya see other skaters in the park just start chattin to them and then you will find you just end up skating with them when your there


OH air out onto the deck. Still, that’s pretty cool if u can go big enough to get a grab.

BKM - 15 February 2012 06:20 AM

Haven’t skated in a while since I started working. Good progress guys smile I suck so much at tran tricks.

That’s okay, I suck at street. Put us together and we might make a decent skater lol

Andy Aitken - 17 February 2012 07:06 AM

OH air out onto the deck. Still, that’s pretty cool if u can go big enough to get a grab.

Cheers mate shaka


Great work, guys. I’m really stoked on this thread. You guys have definitely inspired me to get back on a skateboard when I get home. Sounds like you’re making excellent progress, K2. Keep at it! shaka


Thanks mate! So glad I have got back into skating. I feel like its going to help my boarding too!


Went for a roll at East Gosford Park today. Met a cool skater who was a bit older than me that rips. He showed me a few things and pushed me to try stuff i wouldn’t usually.

I wouldn’t say I landed anything new.
But I landed some pop shuv its (stationary) which was a first for me. Also good too cause the only thing i can do on flat ground is old school hippy tricks lol.
I tried and tried and tried to transfer on the spine but it’s 3 times bigger than the little one I did at toowoomba. Still I got pretty close.
I still can’t ollie up onto a manny pad lol but at least I’m practicing ollies instead of just ramps all the time.
And I can axle stall on the quarters there now which i never could before.

Fun day, I think I’ll skate that park more often rocker


Good work Andy! Yeh ya just gotta start talkin to others and they usually push ya whic is good!

So stoked, today I landed a Casper flip 3rd shot. Moving too. But devo u broke my deck


Hey guys my names Ben and I’m 17 and I also skate with BKM regularly smile This thread is really sick and inspires me to go skating whenever I read some of the progress people are making so I thought I’d contribute aswell smile

I’ve been skating for about 6 months now and I love it! I’ve got my ollies on lock for sure and my pop shuvits and kickflips are getting pretty solid. My 50-50s and 5-0s are on lock too but so keen to get noseslides and/or boardslides, just gotta get over the fear of slipping out haha I can ollie off decent sets of stairs (7 set is my highest so far) and my FS 180’s off things are pretty solid but only off like 4 sets or lower lol I wanna go bigger. I can rock to fakie on a decent sized quarter but only axle stall/ axle grind on the mini ramps (another one of my goals is to axle stall the quarter i rock to fakie on). One of my favourite things to do is probably hippie jumps haha their just so fun! I can also ollie to manual finally after trying for ages lol

I skate with guys who are much better than Iam and also a few guys that are around my level. It’s really fun cos we’re constantly pushing eachother to do things which creates great progression for all of us smile I try skate as much as I can and sometimes feel like I wasted my day if I don’t!

Anyway I’ve enjoyed reading everyones posts and keen to see whats ahead smile




Nice one Ben! shaka sounds like your skating is coming along really well. keep it up