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The Line Up - Daily Chat :)


Should be an interesting afternoon for me… and 9 friends are in a ‘sinking/death at sea re-enactment’ for one of the big commercial channels news/current affairs programs. Its on this afternoon and we have to basically hang off a life raft for a few hours whilst they film various things from a helicopter and boats, there is going to be after dark shots as well which will be sketchy, especially after watching that bloody shark harbour thing the other night. I wish I hadn’t watched that now! It should be fun though and the money is good!


Hahahahaaa, your gonna be a star CRACKERS!!!!!  shaka

Watchin dramatic tragedy shows before ya do a similar thing sucks big time hey????? I hate how whenever ya about to fly, Air Crash Disasters has a biweekly run of the show for like two months before ya departure!!!!!


Yes that will be funny to see. have to make sure you tell us when its on!


Checking in with the crazies!


Hey, welcome back slider!!!!!

Loooooooooooooong time no post!!!!!!


cant say the same for you….


Is it Friday yet?


Sadly no :-(


Its “Friday” for me!!!!!  cheese

And I have now made it official, I really do hate work!!!!!

Oh, and deano!!!!!  hmmm

Mizu Kuma - 21 February 2012 10:27 PM

Oh, and deano!!!!!  hmmm


haha, today is my thursday.

Friday morning im heading up the Hume to get me some sweet, delicious Chickos. Then 151 to partyrock, booya


Bring it on Mudder F&%*er!!!!!  mad


it will be brought sensei


Domo arigato!!!!!

And don’t forget my present that ya got me from the states!!!!!  cheese


shampoo for hair growth. :???


Yo peeps we are past the half way mark of our trip, in Washington DC now, then we go to New York and Hawaii on the way home.

So far we have had to send two packages home because we have bought so much! 50lbs worth (23kg) lol!!!