The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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hey girls! my name is Vanessa. Any one from So Cal?
Hi Vanessa! Welcome to Boardworld! I’m from Vancouver/Whistler, currently living in Australia. I’m going back home in November.
Hey all,
Cool how there is a girls section - some boys can smell
Husband and I ride overseas annually as part of our “big” holiday - don’t ride much here in Australia anymore - call me soft but driving 3-6 hours each way to ride Buller, Falls, Hotham doesn’t appeal as much as it used to. Hubby opened my eyes to overseas and I find it hard to justify $100 for a lift ticket here!
Love watching kick-ass girls riding. Seeing Victoria Jealouse doing her big mountain thing is inspiring. Would also love to improve my terrain park skills - nothing fancy- just doing big straight airs would be enough for me - hubby calls my jumps “beer coaster air” - thats about the height of them
Hey Josie,
Welcome to Boardworld.
Where do you go riding overseas? Somewhere different each year? Most of the Boardworld crew base ourselves out of Whistler. If you every come there let us know and we’ll be sure to show you some ways on improving you beer coaster air. Beer coaster air is still higher than a placemat.. start small.. then you will progress.. If your out there having fun thats the main thing.
We hope to see you more in the Boardworld Forums.
Hi L.B.
Thanks for the warm welcome
We travel mainly to the USA - we were at Heavenly this season but we have good friends based in Breckenridge so tend to ride around the summit county resorts (Breck, Keystone, Vail, etc). We spent the 07/08 season in Breckenridge and had an amazing time. No work, all playtime which was a real plus!
Back to Breck for 2010/11, although we have organised a few days at Silverton first. Hate having to fight the crowds so we figured something a little less mainstream might be something to aim for in the future. If we like it enough, we might look at spend more time there next trip.
Hubby spent the season in Whistler way back in 98/99 and snow-wise, has VERY found memories of that season. I thought he was BS’ing me about how much snow fell that season until I looked up the records for myself. We do intend to head to Whistler in the next few seasons - I think its a place one has to experience at least once in their lives!
Hiya im Amie
im an Intermediate snowboarder (SNOWBOARDING 4 LIFE)
im a young teen liven in the snowymountains of NSW, though i don’t get to the slopes much i still luv every thing about living here since i have all my life, and i would highly recomend for aussies who don’t want to go overseas to see some snow to come down to the snowy mountains in NSW WOOO
Welcome to Boardworld Amie,
Which mountain to you base yourself out of?
I have been to both Perisher and Thedbo and I prefer Thedbo for the steeper terrain.
I am hoping to do quite a lot of days on both mountains this season as I wasn’t at home for the season in Canada.
I love the snow as well!
Welcome to Boardworld Amie,
Which mountain to you base yourself out of?
I have been to both Perisher and Thedbo and I prefer Thedbo for the steeper terrain.
I am hoping to do quite a lot of days on both mountains this season as I wasn’t at home for the season in Canada.
I love the snow as well!
umm i used to go to thredbo with my school but i changed and i go to perisher and im finding it more enjoyable even though i haven’t been every were in thredbo. Canada…thats so cool!!!!
your an instructer righ…if so were do you teach?!?!
your an instructer righ…if so were do you teach?!?!
I am a ski instructor from Whistler, BC. I have been teaching for 5 years going on 6 and my boyfriend is a snowboard instructor. That’s actually how we met.
I have been learning to snowboard over the past 2 seasons in Australia and Canada.
I hope to get my instructor level 1 for snowboarding within the next year. I still have a few skills that I need to work on.
Hey everyone!
I’m from OZ and currently still here, always been to the snow once a year with the fam since i can remember…such fun! been o/s to whis for a few months the last few years and absolutely love it!!
Snowboarding is just one of those things we all love and wish we could do everyday!!
your an instructer righ…if so were do you teach?!?!
I am a ski instructor from Whistler, BC. I have been teaching for 5 years going on 6 and my boyfriend is a snowboard instructor. That’s actually how we met.
I have been learning to snowboard over the past 2 seasons in Australia and Canada.
I hope to get my instructor level 1 for snowboarding within the next year. I still have a few skills that I need to work on.
i wish you good luck
Hey Guys!
I’m Emma, started snowboarding last season and am absolutely hooked! :D
I live in qld so its a bit hard to get to the snow but i’ll be back when i can.
Awesome site btw. Tis really cool!
Welcome to the site Emma!!
howdy all