The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
Maybe you could you could give it a nudge.
Can you walk around with a book on your noggin?
You know what they didnt actually make me put a book on my head. I had to hold a plate, serviette & glass all in the one hand whilst carrying a handbag and shaking other peoples hands… as well as lots of walking in high heels, learning how to walk ‘properly’, stand and go up & down stairs ‘gracefully’... an interesting experience all round.
Maybe that could be something for the blokes to do at the shred one night. You can be the teacher.
Interesting experience Rhi, or boring?
I have thought about do it too - but wonder how much of it I actually already know but just can’t be arsed doing… LOL
First day of the new job tomorrow morning!
Did you ever tell us what company or what role you got BKM? Hope you enjoy it and the people are nice / cool.
yep - can do just about any job as long as the people you work with are nice! Good luck with it!
Thanks! :D
Working at the hospital organising medical records. Hopefully people that I’ll be working with will be nice.
You will get loads of boring, but when you find the gold it will be AWESOME.
You must share the funny stuff with us !!!!!
Interesting experience Rhi, or boring?
I genuinely found it interesting, I really did learn a lot and had fun. However saying that, it was something I was sent to, all expenses paid, I don’t think it is something i would have done of my own accord (or even thought to do). There were parts which I thought were a little outdated, and definitely parts where you feel like a bit of a failure as a female but on the whole I did have a really enjoyable weekend, and I feel like I have definitely gained some valuable knowledge.
Morning BW peeps! its 5:15am here
First day of work today. Feeling a bit nervous!
Its 8.35 here… should probably get up out of bed to get to work by 9. Good luck bkm
Goodluck BKM!
good luck bkm, better to be a bit nervous then over confident i say.