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Pictures of awesome shit.


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K2_SnatchCrewSader - 26 January 2012 12:48 PM

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^Thought you’d like that Mizu LOL

Didnt know Leonardo could playboat!


Leonardo can do anything… he’s a ninja!

And, well, turtles do like water.



i have seen this before, at that moment you would go “get..the…f*#k…outta here…”


I love that pic. It has been around for years. It’s not a shark though, it’s a dolphin. The photographer (Kurt Jones?) used to have a blog about that particular photo on his site, because he had so many people asking him about it.


yeh i read that site aswell,

related story, myself and a mate were surfing a secret spot* down the south coast of NSW. i was sitting a little further out than him and i was facing in to the rock shelf talking to him. Next second i hear all this splashing, a shadow go under me and my mates face go completely white.
Son naturally i shit myself and try to see what is going on. Its at that point about 3 or so dolphins jump over me, 2 more jump either side of me and another one went under me.

The 3 or so seconds before i realised what was going on i was about to sh!t myself! End up being one of the best surfs i have had playing around with dolphins for about 15 mins, catching waves etc.


We had dolphins come and play near the boat one time when we were wakeboarding, once we realised they were dolphins it was awesome but those few moments when you naturally think shark you dont breathe.


Those few seconds would be absolutely fkd!

But dolphins are mad! lol


Pic i snapped at Perisher last season, was boarding down Pretty Valley and thought this was a rock till it started moving


I hope no one tried to jump it!!


My first thought was to jump it raspberry

4ce_full - 03 February 2012 01:59 PM

Pic i snapped at Perisher last season, was boarding down Pretty Valley and thought this was a rock till it started moving

Thats so awesome!!!  only wildlife ever come across on a trail was in Tahoe a few years back, random cut that ended in bumps, as we made it to the side saw an Elk Skeleton, full top to tail.  weird day