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Packing Tips for Shred Trips!

lanox - 29 January 2012 10:00 PM

when you guys pack do you keep ur bindings mounted to the board :?

I have left them on and taken them off. If I am only taking one board, then they stay on. If two boards, take both sets of bindings off to pack the boards flatter. I always take my boots in carry on luggage, saves room and weight.
If I leave the bindings on, I pack them with socks etc.. and them put jacket and pants on either side to protect a little from the baggage throwers.

clax - 29 January 2012 10:15 PM
lanox - 29 January 2012 10:00 PM

when you guys pack do you keep ur bindings mounted to the board :?

I have left them on and taken them off. If I am only taking one board, then they stay on. If two boards, take both sets of bindings off to pack the boards flatter. I always take my boots in carry on luggage, saves room and weight.
If I leave the bindings on, I pack them with socks etc.. and them put jacket and pants on either side to protect a little from the baggage throwers.

yeah only taking one board with me, i kind of though exactly what you said…


ozgirl - 28 December 2011 01:45 AM

Trial pack for Japow!

All that will go in there is an outfit for apres… and then what I am wearing. And socks and jocks! Oh and a frock for the gala dinner!

13kg today!

Slightly jealous… I packed my bag (Same as that) and got it up to 23kg. I’ll just take the helmet / jacket out if they whinge and wear it on the plane.


grrri did my trial pack last night got my snowboard bag to 15kg and my caryon to 12 grrrr and still got some stuff to put in.


TJ seriously!! Why do you need so much stuff?

I bet you don’t wear half of your off snow gear!

(Slightly want to boast that I am taking less gear than the males above!)


tj is a girl smile he needs all his beauty creams and hair products smile


Yeah and I also just realised that’s without boots!

I am hoping they go in my hand luggage. I don’t have much to take on the plane with me but will take a wheelie carry on bag anyway.


allmost allways check in asks you to take board bags around to special luggage.

if ure on a tight weight limit, put on as much gear as u can, board boots as well if u want, stuff cameras , power cables, anything u can into ure jacket wen ure at check in , make sure its sweet for check in, then on ure way to special luggage stuff all ure shit back in and change up ure shoes. just sux wen they dont do it, ure left looking like shifty prick thru security and ure hot as phuck on the plane.

worked every trip so far, the chinese dont rly give a prik about 2-3 kg over wudnt worry if ure heading through them.


That is a brilliant tip Lovestosponge!

So they weigh and confirm weight at checking and then you just hand it over at oversize with no re weigh in?


I am flying with three people - they can mind my excess stuff stuff while i check in - then I can mind theirs while they check in!

TJ - let me know if it works for wink  ok?


Me and the cuz are on the same ticket. So she has to check in at the same time.

Can’t do it lol.


Why can’t you? You can stuff the excess weight in your pockets and such??

(I am just lucky that i don’t have to wear stuff - i can give to other people)

I seriously wonder what they would say if we wore our ski or board boots on the plane!


have done, had a shred 3 hours b4 my flight, left my freakin shoes at the joint, couldnt go back.

seccas wanted me to take em off to show em wants inside, asked em if they where completely sure, cuz they fukin stank! sure enof took em off , told me to put em back on.

yeh and wore my pants thought my story wud have more value if i had em on to. yeh freakin sweaty and uncomfortable for an international flight, to embarrased to take em off to.


i have worn my boots on a flight to NZ, first and last time i fly with a cheap airline international (jetsar)


My mate flew Jetstar to Japan last year and had nothing but bad stories, said he will fork out the extra few $$$ to fly quantas or alike.


Yea but and an extra few $$$ = $500 each in our case.

I’ll deal with a shit airline for 40% off flight costs…

But then again, I’m not one to complain at shit seating.