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Poll: whats your brand
Total Votes: 72
Lieca - i will rob your ass if you have one

GoPro HD Hero 2 Outdoor edition

BKM - 20 January 2012 02:03 PM

Gonna try hunt for a 50mm 1.8 on eBay or something. Seems like a necessity.

Absolutely mate. I tell everyone new to photography that this lens is a must buy. It’s cheap, and you really do learn more with it. Not to mention it takes some pretty sweet photos.

Have a look here to see a sh*t load of photos taken with it.

If you want to buy brand new, try somewhere like eGlobal. I’ve bought a few things through them and they’re quite good. Don’t be fooled buy the ridiculously low price though. They make it back in shipping costs, but it will still work out cheaper.


Hahaha I looked at the shipping prices..Damn! I still save $50. At least its express shipping smile


Normally 2-3 days.  wink


Decisions, decisions!

Tills, you know of any good and affordable fish eyes for a 550D? I’m thinking of the Opteka 6.5mm one.


To be honest, I’ve never really had a look at fisheye lenses. Although I’d love one, I figure I won’t get one until I have the rest of my kit sorted.

As far as I know, Sigma do a few really nice fisheyes for around the $500-$600 mark. I think they do a 10mm and a 15mm. Tokina also do a 10-17mm fisheye that is pretty well regarded. I think that one sits around the same price as the Sigmas.

The Opteka fisheye is pretty popular too, and obviously well price. I really couldn’t tell you how it performs though. Another one to look at would be the Vivitar. That one also seems to be popular.

If you don’t yet have a UWA, I’d seriously consider one of those also. You can shoot so much more with an ultra-wide. You can still shoot your skating pics (which is what I assume you want it for), but they’re also fantastic landscape lenses as well, if you’re into that. as well as auto shots and stuff.


BTW, the Opteka fisheye is manual focus too. Something to think about.


I only use manual focus haha smile
I guess thats a plus for me!


Just bought a new Canon 50mm 1.8 lens smile


Good work mate! Give us a look once you taken a few shots with it.  shaka


Photos are in the photo feedback thread.

Tills - 22 January 2012 09:35 PM

To be honest, I’ve never really had a look at fisheye lenses. Although I’d love one, I figure I won’t get one until I have the rest of my kit sorted.

As far as I know, Sigma do a few really nice fisheyes for around the $500-$600 mark. I think they do a 10mm and a 15mm. Tokina also do a 10-17mm fisheye that is pretty well regarded. I think that one sits around the same price as the Sigmas.

The Opteka fisheye is pretty popular too, and obviously well price. I really couldn’t tell you how it performs though. Another one to look at would be the Vivitar. That one also seems to be popular.

If you don’t yet have a UWA, I’d seriously consider one of those also. You can shoot so much more with an ultra-wide. You can still shoot your skating pics (which is what I assume you want it for), but they’re also fantastic landscape lenses as well, if you’re into that. as well as auto shots and stuff.

Do you know of any fish eyes around like the 300-400 mark? I have a 550D and quite keen to get my hands on a fisheye for some skate flicks


I’m in the same situation as you ^^

I’m deciding whether to get the Rokinon 8mm or the Opteka 6.5mm


Are you able to link us. I’m heaps keen for one. Fisheyes are so dope


Not sure if I’m allowed to link sites like eBay here. Just do a google search or look it up on youtube if you want to see what they look like smile