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Be Safe


Just got home from a day up at Buller today.  Had a fun day for what it was with only 3 lifts open.  Got the bus back from the town centre to the top carpark .  As we got to the car a 4wd ute drove past us, pretty sure we saw the occupants on the hill throughout the course of the day.  We got changed and went on our way, just outside of Buller saw flashing lights in the distance.  That same ute had hit a power pole, no more than 20 mins later.  I don’t want to speculate on what happened or how, just gave me a good reminder that you have to be so damn careful on your way too and from the snow.  I hope that all the crew in the car get out of it ok.  Hope everyone takes heed and stays safe this season.


So true, last year on a school trip to the snow our bus ran off the road, luckily no one got hurt.


yeah had a few close calls myself, never fun driving up these roads in bad weather. Stay safe everyone.


damn, not cool at all, hopefully nobody was seriously injured

keep safe people.. nothing wrong with pulling over and having a quick sleep if you’re tired. Getting home an hour or two later is a small price to pay if it means you all get home safely.


To and from the snow, of course.
But on it too!

I think those 10 rules of snow etiquette are really good. IE, when entering a run, look above and give way and that kind of thing.

ALSO, helmets truly do save lives!
I wear one and so does my younger sister.
I hate that almost all pro snowboarders dont wear helmets! its quite terrible, sets a bad example. Props to Shaun White cos he’s one of the ones i know wears a helmet. I think he’s doin a great job in that respect.

If i didnt wear a helmet, i would most definately be mentally retarded.. I’ve hit my head on rocks, tree braches, whip lashed it back onto hard ice… (while havin one on). So i owe a lot to em lol..

Most importantly, wearing a helmet doesnt look daggy or wussy! some brands like Giro and ProTech make good looking helmets these days…

I recommend to anyone thinking about wearing one, or isnt because they’re afraid of the way they’ll look, just to think about the way they’ll look all covered in blood. It is well worth the investment!!


Hey nthnbeachesguy (and anyone else that reads this), you spurred me to open this thread:

HELMETS.toWearOrToNot?TheWayTheyLook.TheWayThey R SAFE!

HELMETS.toWearOrToNot?TheWayTheyLook.TheWayThey R SAFE!

If you could, could you check it out and answer the poll, just to show your support and get other people to pay attention.

Thanks a lot smile


Yeah helmets are lifesavers. It’s harsh out there gotta protect your noggin

xlugeladx - 16 June 2010 03:22 AM

Yeah helmets are lifesavers. It’s harsh out there gotta protect your noggin

True there!  I can’t ride without anymore, tried once and just felt awkward/uncomfortable

snowdragon - 16 June 2010 04:11 AM
xlugeladx - 16 June 2010 03:22 AM

Yeah helmets are lifesavers. It’s harsh out there gotta protect your noggin

True there!  I can’t ride without anymore, tried once and just felt awkward/uncomfortable

Yeah totally