The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


The Line Up - Daily Chat :)


so glad work is over, only went in for a few hours, did absolutely nothing, watched a bit of cricket and battled a hangover…

Good times


so glad i had toay off! even thouh i didnt sleep in still a muchly needed day to do next to nothing and recharge the batteries and sober up grin


Rang my boss today and it sounds like I’ve definitely got the job. Woo!
Money=new lenses!


Congrats BKM!!!!!  shaka


Went up to Newy today to get my husband enrolled in his TAFE course for the semester. (Marine Craft Construction cert III) We had fish and chips on the foreshore as it was lovely and sunny up there and then just slowly cruised back down the coast. Stopped in at Redhead cos we like it there and had a calippo…no shark sightings! Also managed to get some free stuff from the local radio station promotion car while we were there.


Sounds like a nice day cords! I was stuck working and was the only one there! And all our sites crashed this morning, devo!


Thanks Mizu smile

I’ve decided to compete in the BW Skate photography contest and the film one smile

Wish me luck!


I went to work today… got in around 9ish, read boardworld for an hour or so… did a few other internet based things, went to the pub, came back to work… went back on boardworld for a while, started a virus scan (I work in IT)... Then the boss said go home at 3:30. Epic day!


So lucky TJ! I swear SharePoint makes me want to throw my PC out the window!


Haha… all my sharepoint needs, Please call HELPDESK on 5544 smile


Had the biggest day of my life on thrusday!

BDO was that good


Went out for a big one last night. So hung over this morning. billy

That’s awesome, Chapstick. Got any photos?


Warren can’t take very good pics as his nose always ends up in the frame!!!!!


Such a good night last night! billy woke up nice and early and no hangover shaka


Well, cars packed and ready for the 7:00 am start to our Whistler trip!!!!!

cool grin