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Haha, yea they don’t know what they are missing. Once you try a good pair of socks, there is no going back to running socks. (Especially Ankle Socks! OUCH!)


Maybe give them a go this season, but 13 board-years wearing normal socks I’ve never had issues.


Don’t your feet get sweaty and wet in the cotton socks? It’s mainly the cotton I have an issue with, the technical fabrics just breathe so much better.

rider26 - 11 June 2010 02:08 AM

Don’t your feet get sweaty and wet in the cotton socks? It’s mainly the cotton I have an issue with, the technical fabrics just breathe so much better.

a bit sweaty way back when i rode ice and hardpack in NY, but not really, no.  Not uncomfortably so anyways, and here I slap on shoes and its 2 hours drive home from Thredbo


I might have to try the burton socks.

I usually get sweaty and cant feel my big toe


In general cotton is just bad to have anywhere on your body while riding. Cotton doesn’t breathe and it absorbs moisture.


Used cotton for several years, and yeah, not a good idea, especially when wet. I’d even go as far as to say that going commando in the boots is warmer than wearing cotton.

But then again, I still wear a cotton t-shirt over my thermal layer, so I don’t follow my own advice!


Cotton not a good idea, especially if you need to walk to get to the lift, you’ll end up with sweaty cold feet before you even start


I’m pretty lucky. My girlfriend’s mum works at a sock factory, so she always loads me up with 1 or 2 dozen pairs of wool blend socks every winter. Some for boarding, and some for hiking. The ones she got me this year rock. Padded in the right areas, seamless toes. Very comfy.

I’ve thought about picking a pair of the Burton socks, but the don’t look much different to the ones I have already.

worldtripper - 13 June 2010 06:44 PM

Used cotton for several years, and yeah, not a good idea, especially when wet. I’d even go as far as to say that going commando in the boots is warmer than wearing cotton.

But then again, I still wear a cotton t-shirt over my thermal layer, so I don’t follow my own advice!

Ye olde fashion over function…this battle is an epic one.
I wish someone would make thermal layer or second layer gear out of tech fabrics that don’t look lame!

Not a fan of what burton produce, textiles are ugly and mostly emblazoned with a big logo on the front.

What would be uber cool is a “flanny” type shirt that is tech so it wont get wet and cold. No doubt there is something out there I just haven’t found it yet


Burton makes the tech flannel shirts - LINK HERE.


They don’t look half bad.


Yeah I have not been able to find one is Aus…yet

not that I have tried all that hard.

thanks 26


The tech flannel is mad, I got one, but the fit is huge. Size small feels like a large.

rider26 - 14 June 2010 04:25 AM

Burton makes the tech flannel shirts - LINK HERE.

Unfortunately I am not allowed to even Think about flannel, buying or the wearing of.  I think I ruined my wife with a flannel layer I refused to get rid of, not that she didn’t hate flannel before . .