The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


The final countdown!

For those of you who wish to count away the days until you head off to your winter wonderland and any hurdles that you have to jump between now and then.

12 sleeps!

Uni exams :(.


HSC!!! then Europe so its still about a 5 month wait for me


It is a burning hot summer where I am.
My schedule doesnt include snow, unfortunately. but I am excited for all of you who have many days of snow ahead of you.


Late June if there is a big dump, otherwise early July for me.


1st day yesterday.. bit stiff and sore today iven I haven’t been on a board in a year but still great to get out raspberry 2 weeks until i’m back down there.. then 2 weeks after that. Just doing w/e trips to keep it cheap.

Big trip is in 5 months.. biggest hurdle is getting through 5 more months in my current job whilst I save more cash.


Late June/Early July will be my first day trip to Buller. Then I’ll do a few more day trips throughout July/August with a weekend thrown in. That’ll do me till I do a week at Perisher in the first week of Sept.


Hopefully the first week of August


yeah snow is never any good untill july :(


Cannot wait to hit the slopes :D


Woohoo! 10 sleeps!




where abouts are you all going??


Im hoping just over a month.  I am off to visit the family back in Canada for a couple weeks in July so Im really hoping to make my first Aus snow adventure in August.  Plan on bringing some of my gear back just have not decided how much yet.


2! Queenstown all the way baby. Very excitedly watching the snow reports and snow forecasts! :D


I think about two weeks for me. Just waiting for the fresh stuff.