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Billy’s Trip Report - Hakuba Japan 2012!


(Mods - feel free to move this on to Travel Section later! wink )

I’m baaaaack! Whoa – what just happened?!

Day 1 – Thursday 12th January

I refer to this day as “The Mission” – and what a bloody long day it was. The day started with Dad dropping Cam and I off at Melbourne Airport for a 6am flight to Cairns. I was a bit hesitant on whether Jetstar would get me there alive, but they were really good. Anyone that knows me knows that my favourite show is Air Crash Investigation – and secretly freak out every time I fly.  But – I’m breathing! I made sure I stopped watching that show 3 weeks before I left. I know, Silly Billy. wink

We landed at Cairns at 9am local time. Holy crap - it was so muggy. There is no way I could live there. My hair turned into an afro frizz ball as soon as I walked out of the domestic terminal.  Eeeek! We hung around til 12noon for our flight to Tokyo. Once again, a good flight. No pilot school necessary. wink

We landed in Narita at 6:45pm local time and headed for the Hakubus. I know that the train would have been much quicker but it was included in our package so we went for it. Arrived in Hakuba at 2am exhausted, hungry and I’m sure – smelling like a garbage bin.  We made our way to our room at The Lab and collapsed.

Day 2 – Friday 13th January

Woke up, ate breakfast. Met our lovely host at the Lab (Mike) and he gave us our passes and a quick rundown of what’s around. Headed to Happo (closest) for the day. Visibility was pretty low but still had a great time – great feeling to be back on powder! Found some great little stashes around.

Had lunch – all this for $11AUD. Man I love Japan.

My first (of hundreds) of hot chocolate in a can. Oh how I missed these. Once again - man I love Japan.

Met some new friends at the Lab (that place is AWESOME by the way – I have met so many great people) and went out for KOREAN BARBEQUE!! Wooo. Was wicked!

Headed over to Master Braster to what was a MASSIVE night. Holy $hitballs. I haven’t had a hangover like that in a long time… (But let me save that for Day 3 wink )

Boardworld Represent!

Some of our new buddies – I’ve got no idea what Pat is drinking out of… And a word of warning – do not touch Duvel Beer! It’s a killer!

Headed over to 902 bar after that to what would be the biggest night of the trip. None of us remember getting back to the Lab. This was on my camera the next morning though:

Drinking in moderation – of course! billy

Day 3 – Saturday 14th January – The Hangover

I swear someone has just shot me in the head. Or I’ve been hit by a freight train. I woke up this morning with the biggest hangover in history. Huge. Massive. Astronomical. I was angry with myself because I wanted to get out and ride – but I just couldn’t move. Cam went out at 9am and I was sleeping til 12. What a waste! Spoke to the others and they were exactly the same. Got up and headed to Happo at 1pm for a few runs. Had lunch at the top of the gondola and spent an hour feeling sorry for myself. Was home at 3.  A productive day.

Had a quiet night – went out for dinner with Cam, Maddie and Nicki at Shinshu Dining. Great place!

After dinner I had to stop off for a hot chocolate – standard!


Day 4 – Sunday 15th January – Powder Day and Nozawa Onsen Fire Festival

Two words… Powder Day!!  And where do you head on a powder day? Cortina baby!!
I had the best day today. A few guys from the Lab were heading to Cortina so we jumped in the van. So much fun today. Backcountry, through the trees, on the piste – everywhere was great fun. Think I had a smile on my face from start to finish. It was wicked. Cam did his knee today (his head went one way and his legs went that way) so he spent the rest of the day in the onsen. Gotta love the Cortina ticket/lunch/onsen deal!

Arrived back at the Lab only to leave at 5:30 for the Nozawa Onsen Fire Festival. One word. Mad. This was probably the craziest thing I’ve ever been to. To save me explaining what it is, you can read about it here:
This was the night I got a sake bottle in the eye in the sake tent – hence the shiner. It was mad, crazy, and unbelievable! But awesome fun!

Came home at about 1am and went to bed.

Day 5 – Monday 16th January – Fun at Hakuba 47/Goryu!

Had such a great day today. Cam was injured so I was on the hunt for new riding buddies. Met up with 4 guys staying at the Lab (Dave, Brad, Brendan and Jacob) and headed over to 47/Goryu. Was so much fun. Great little powder stashes, kickers – I just felt really good about my riding today. Found a certain little sticker in the park too – who put that there?!? wink Teacher Boy thinks it could be him.

Headed over to Master Braster *again* with all our buddies from The Lab.

Day 6 – Tuesday 17th January – Iwatakkkkeeee!

Beautiful sunshine today. Met up with Penny and Dan (Lab friends) and headed over to Iwatake. Great place with loooong groomed runs and no one there! Couldn’t believe how empty it was. No new snow but still managed to find some powder in the trees. Spent some time in the park working on my 180’s and grabs on jumps – I was very excited!

Didn’t go out tonight – just had dinner and a quiet one playing cards at the Lab. I’ve got a new card game to teach at the shred! It’s called moes! (Thanks to Leeane!)

Early bed time – 9:30pm!


Day 7 – Wednesday 18th January – Tsugaike and meeting drc13!

I LOVED today. It was so much fun to go out riding with wicked riders. We went everywhere and anywhere. Jordan was lovely (he’s an instructor) so he spent time teaching me some new tricks. He kept making me do whole runs in switch which was great – I needed someone to push me.

Met up with Dave from BW (drc13) – he was on fire! Can’t believe he’s only been riding for such a short time. He got some tips from Jordan too and was flying down the runs! Cam still had a sore knee so he went to see the snow monkeys and went snowmobiling. He said it was wicked!

My Tsugaike Buddies – Pat, Leeane, Jordan and Me!

That night we went to Chanko Nabe in Echoland – a restaurant run by a former Sumo Wrestler. Awesome place!

With the Sumo! (drc13 at the front)

Went home after dinner and played some more cards. Semi-quiet night.

Day 8 – Thursday 19th January – Our last riding day!! downer

Decided to go with the crowds today and spend our last day with friends riding Iwatake. Beautiful weather again, but they were in need of another snow dump.

We were supposed to meet drc13 at 8:40 but we were all running late – and he wasn’t there. Sorry Dave! (We met up with him later.)

Pretty view…

Cam decided to give his knee one more go, but left early..

drc13 and Billy:

Our last night consisted of all our Lab buddies (and drc13!), Master Braster, duvels, sei love cocktails and reggae music. The second biggest night of the trip! I’m sorry about your jacket Dave! Did you find it?

Day 9 – Friday 20th January – Home time downer

All good things must come to an end. We were so sad to go. After coming up with all sorts of plans with Aya (works at The Lab) to stay for the season, unfortunately home time was imminent. We said our goodbyes and promised we’d be back. I wouldn’t stay anywhere else!

As for home travels – refer to Day 1 – The Mission – but in reverse.

I want to go back to Japan!!!


Don’t need this one!


Sounds like a great trip!


Awesome TR Billy.

Can’t wait to get over there.

Did you get any video of you guys riding?


Great write up Billy!!!!!  shaka

I actually contemplated goin to Hakuba when the fire festival was on, when I was 42!!!!!

Saw it on a doco once!!!!! Crazy stuff, but would have been an awesome thing to do!!!!!  LOL

I think ya had better go into detox!!!!!  billy

Have ya seen the Pre Japan 2012/13 thread yet?????

TJswish - 23 January 2012 02:05 AM

Awesome TR Billy.

Can’t wait to get over there.

Did you get any video of you guys riding?

Yup but I think I’ve lost my schools flip camera gulp Need to start searchin’

drc13 got quite a bit - but he’s not back yet! And some of the other guys had their gopro’s - so hopefully there is some to come!


Oh yeah, hope Cam’s knee bone is alright now!!!!! Was that the first time snowmobilin for him?????


Yeah it was! (You would’ve thought a sore knee = no snowmobiling ?!?! - but who knows… wink )
He’s going to the docs tomorrow


Awesome TR Billy sounds like a whirlwind trip!


I was gonna go when we were in Niseko but the dollar was only buyin 55Yen so I canned the idea!!!!!

I so wanna go!!!!! Does he reckon it was worth it????? High powered ones?????

(Maybe we have to get him back on BW, so he can answer my questions????? Sore knee = lots of computer time?!?!?)


i cant belive you are already back it went so quickly grrrr i am sad just thinking about how quickly my trip is going to go.

lanox - 23 January 2012 02:51 AM

i cant belive you are already back it went so quickly grrrr i am sad just thinking about how quickly my trip is going to go.

I knoooow downer
Next time - minimum 2.5 weeks for sure! If not longer… Last time I went for 12 days - this time was too short. Had to fit in with a wedding and a 40th!


yeah i know what you mean i kind of wishing i went for 10 days instead of 8.

full 6 days on snow and rest spending in tokyo.

but iam sure it should be fun


Such an awesome trip report, Billy. Really enjoyed reading that. Looks like you guys had an unreal time and you’re really making me want to get back to Japan in a hurry!
