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Redhead Shark Attack Aftermath (GORE WARNING)


Saw this today, I pic of the guy that got attached by the shark at Redhead, that is one farken massive lovebite, I have no idea how he lived to be honest.


That’s intense.  sick

Lucky to be alive for sure.


I must have been in a bit of shock typing that, check out my spelling and sentence construction ha ha!  I spose in a way the shark was trying to attach itself to him.


Redhead is one of my local surf spots. There is a ton of bait fish about at the moment and the yackers are out and about. Redhead is usually pretty good for sharks but is at the northern end of Nine Mile Beach. So there is a big bight for the fish to gather. Further north at Stockton, it is a great white breeding ground. I don’t surf there anymore.


Sure did bite him on the arse!!!!!  shut eye

clax - 20 January 2012 03:36 AM

Redhead is one of my local surf spots. There is a ton of bait fish about at the moment and the yackers are out and about. Redhead is usually pretty good for sharks but is at the northern end of Nine Mile Beach. So there is a big bight for the fish to gather. Further north at Stockton, it is a great white breeding ground. I don’t surf there anymore.

I surf at the north end of stockton a lot, have since I was a kid….hate to think of how many times there has been sharks about!


There always there, it’s just whether or not they’re inquisitive or not as to if they take a sample out of ya!!!!!

I don’t know how many times that I have been in the water and had a dolphin surface within meters of me, yet I hadn’t spotted a glimpse of them before hand!!!!!

Sharks would be no different, and they rarely surface when they are checkin out a potential target!!!!!