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hello…..i have tried multiple times to ollie….for some reason it feels like i cant get it exactly perfect…any tips i have watched ur ollie vid multiple times…but i still have troubles….... please help
What problems are you having exactly? What happens when you try to ollie? What is the board doing?
Ollies are the hardest thing to learn when it first comes to skating.
What are the main problems you are having?
just, keep practicing your pop
once you get the pop you will feel the board kinda stick to your feet when you jump
Just practice a lot jajaja
i just started skating and i hav problems with ollies too. so frustrating!!!
i just started skating and i hav problems with ollies too. so frustrating!!!
What are you finding difficult about learning the ollie?
if you could post a video of you trying ollies, we could give you some tips
What I do when I try to get high ollies is: Pop as hard as you can, and jump as hard as you can. Make sure to drag the board up with you Good luck man!
What I do when I try to get high ollies is: Pop as hard as you can, and jump as hard as you can. Make sure to drag the board up with you
Good luck man!
haha lol i did that once and my foot accidentally slid off the board, and the nose of the board was pointing straight up and i landed on my groin.
also, i have like a big w board and the grip is really bad. can that be a problem? (im planning to upgrade to a better setup soon, i just need to get the basic tricks down first)
Oh man, ouch!
My grip tape’s worn away too, I don’t really know if it’s huge factor in the height and pop but I think it factors into me slipping off when I land sometimes. My shoes being really worn down adds to the slippery-ness as well.
i’m skating for 1 month and i can’t perfect my ollie while rolling.i have lack of self confidence i think cause i’m afraid of falling.hahaha.
Grip is a very personal thing with boards. I know some guys that will completely rub the grip off when they get a new setup. For me love fresh grip that will stop me from moving around on the deck. Although if your grip has bold spots on it then its not doing its job and you need to change it up.
Ollies are the chief corner stone of skating. If you don’t nail these everything else will not work. When it comes to learning them moving have your front foot just behind the front deck bolts to give you more control over the board. Use the same if you are struggling with your ollies in general. It helps with the control side of things.
I love the feel of fresh grip tape as well. They make a huge difference in skating for me