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Snowboard socks for antisense - challenge?

rider26 - 14 January 2012 07:23 AM
Mizu Kuma - 14 January 2012 05:30 AM

Yeah, statue ridin in a dress!!!!!  LOL

Done. Socks and tee for statue riding in a dress.  LOL

Heard that, Mrs. Dragon isn’t entirely impressed.. Is St Vinnies (hear they cater to Mizu’s) open on Sunday??


I reckon that you should have to go statue ridin in ya snowboard boots, helmet/goggles and a dress, in the Sydney CBD!!!!!  LOL


Hmmm which statue??

snowdragon - 14 January 2012 07:50 AM
rider26 - 14 January 2012 07:23 AM
Mizu Kuma - 14 January 2012 05:30 AM

Yeah, statue ridin in a dress!!!!!  LOL

Done. Socks and tee for statue riding in a dress.  LOL

Heard that, Mrs. Dragon isn’t entirely impressed.. Is St Vinnies (hear they cater to Mizu’s) open on Sunday??

Do I have to go out to Sydney?? too far, amd Too late today, Comms with out-of-town Mrs . who is actually very on board- MIZU, Did your Mrs (or are you pushin my missus:-/ ) push you into this??


Hahahahaaa, I can’t wait to see the outcome!!!!!

Not sure if the Salvo’s are open on the w/e though, mate!!!!! I am a weekday shopper myself!!!!!

ozgirl - 14 January 2012 08:05 AM

Hmmm which statue??

I reckon the one in front of the Sydney Hospital?????  LOL

But I am not in charge of this, so Jez is gonna have to set the stage, if there is one that is!!!!!


Can’t clear 3 hour drive for this tho- if you want me local

helmet googles and dress, on statue.. are you speaking for the boss?  I’m on it if you are- may even have somthing i can Ruin of Mrs Dragon (which is scary, she’s little).. I’m so out of sorts with BW - probally prepared to go without approval.  Damn you people

but you all can push this on an other member if you don’t think Dragon is up to it . . .


Hahahahaaa, maybe a little crop top number would suit ya well????? 



No, the Sydney one is for ozgirl!!!!! (Not rider26 authorized though!!!!!)


No No Dragon. You have only been commissioned to do a standard statue riding in a dress!

The boots, goggles and helmet are for me grin LOL

Mizu Kuma - 14 January 2012 08:18 AM

Hahahahaaa, maybe a little crop top number would suit ya well????? 


Look i told you that was just the one time.. you were really embarrassing about it..




LOL I’m so glad my other half’s mum works in a sock factory. No doing crazy stuff for socks from me!!!  LOL


Don’t trivialize this program, Tills!!!!!

This is serious shit goin down in here!!!!!  LOL

Tills - 14 January 2012 08:21 AM

LOL I’m so glad my other half’s mum works in a sock factory. No doing crazy stuff for socks from me!!!  LOL

Well if I got free socks, i wouldn’t need to be runnin around in a dress now would I??! 
Frickin Tills and his free socks.. i swear!!