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News article: Hybrid sharks found in Australian waters


Hybrid sharks found in Australian waters

The hybrid black tip shark. Scientists say the find is extraordinary. Picture: University of Queensland

57 hybrids found in waters along east coast
They are cross between two distinct species
A sign sharks are adapting to climate change

Full article here.


Not long until they start growing legs and terrorising the streets now.. We’ve all been warned! shock


the end of the world :o



What will the religionistas come back with now?  Pretty compelling evidence to support Darwinism me thinks.


Looks funny LOL


I’d suspect it would have more to do with declining shark numbers making it harder to find mates then being a result of climate change. I might be wrong, I cant find any papers on it though…they probably havent published yet so its possible they have good reasons for claiming that. Pretty interesting either way. Incidentally the same thing has happened in NSW with black bream and yellowfin bream on the south coast, there are practically no full black bream left in nsw, most bream that are called ‘blackbream’ are actually now hybrids.


Dogs and Cats have been doin this shit for years!!!!!

Just proves that sharks are a little slow on the uptake, that’s all!!!!!