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Babe Thread!!

DJS. - 09 June 2010 12:36 PM
nyteskye - 07 June 2010 09:11 AM

misa campo


Total Win smile


PArdon my ignorance but who is Misa Campo? Some model I assume?

kort - 10 June 2010 02:58 AM

PArdon my ignorance but who is Misa Campo? Some model I assume?

Yup, just a hottie with her pics all over the Internet and magazines.  Not bad for 22yo

snowdragon - 10 June 2010 03:17 AM
kort - 10 June 2010 02:58 AM

PArdon my ignorance but who is Misa Campo? Some model I assume?

Yup, just a hottie with her pics all over the Internet and magazines.  Not bad for 22yo

ahhh I am so out of the loop!! She looks a bit young for me really smile


Whoever she is…

Mmmmm… Yummy…




Google images FTW!


yeah she goes alright.


I noticed that there have only been guys posting in this thread, so I thought I’d add a couple for the girls out there

Christiano Ronaldo- One of the best looking men in football

Taylor Lautner (aka Jacob Black)- He may be young but he has one of the sexiest bodies


Oh can’t forget another hot babe


Oh nice save Michelle…

Megan Fox anyone?


Ashley Cole is very lucky - definitely one of the hottest WAG in the world.

Peter Crouch also lucked out with this one.. Abigail Clancy

Visit for more WAGs


I still think Shakira is the most gorgeous one out there - Amazing curves, amazing philanthropy. Smile to die for.. I’m in lurrrrve

rider26 - 14 June 2010 06:41 AM

Oh nice save Michelle…

Megan Fox anyone?

Yeah total babe but too bad she cant act very well :(

Oh and yeah Ronaldo goes ok lol


megan fox has funny lookin thumbs… but.. everything else… fiiiiine =D

nyteskye - 14 June 2010 11:34 AM

megan fox has funny lookin thumbs… but.. everything else… fiiiiine =D

haha what a thing to notice! cant say i was looking at her thumbs


mmmm, Megan Fox…. Hubba Hubba