The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Thanks everyone! Yeeew!
Nice one BKM, I know you’ll put them to good use bro
nice one!
sad I suck at skating :D
The winner for December 2011 is Andy Aitken. Andy has been contributing all month. He has been especially active in the Skater Progression thread, encouraging other members and keeping everyone positively stoked. Well done, Andy. Please get in touch with promo(at) to claim your prize.
Let’s get things rolling along for January 2012.
Well done andy
That’s awesome, thanks guys
Hell yeh Andy!!
Well done Mr Aitken!!!!!
We felt everyone was fairly even for the month of January, so we have decided to make February a double prize month.
Whoever wins this month, gets two boards with grip.
Get on it guys!
Keen as switch Bok choy
Is the comp still on??
Yep, runs till the end of September.
Sick. Heaps good idea and could use a new board
We felt everyone was fairly even for the month of January, so we have decided to make February a double prize month.
Whoever wins this month, gets two boards with grip.
Get on it guys!
You just forgot to keep an eye on things again, didn’t ya?????
That Mizu guy was killin it throughout January!!!!!
January and February winner(s) will be announced shortly.