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Just incase ya haven’t seen skip’s post in the news/vid section!!!!!

Scroll down and watch the second edit in the first page, as this shows the infringement!!!!!



Make sure you drop a comment on this page too:


Ok these people where in fault! But this is an action of 2 individuals. Yes they should be sanctioned but this fb page is just ridiculous! I get that people are mad, I would be to, but don’t hate people who weren’t involved! I surely don’t hate on the thing we love the most snowboarding! Doing this is just ridiculous and should NOT be done!
YES these people where wrong
YES they should be sanctioned
NO you should not hate the whole freaking organization for it!


Nah mate, you’re a bit off track there.

By choosing to ignore the actions of these two instead of reprimanding them accordingly, Snowbasin has effectively endorsed their actions. All Snowbasin had to do was issue an adequate apology and appropriately deal with those involved, but they chose not to - so as it stands, “the whole freaking organisation” now shares the blame.

This was by no means an isolated incident - apparently this kind of thing has been a regular occurrence at Snowbasin for years. The only difference with this one, is that they were caught on camera. Evidently, the only way Snowbasin management will change their ways is if their business is threatened, and thanks to the ever-increasing power of social media, that’s exactly what’s happening.


Ok I did not know that they ignored this and that this was not a single event.

Still boycotting them would be stupid, it’s far more effective if step to the manager/organization as 1 and ask for change.
Boycotting is like doing nothing. Witch of course leads to nowhere. Make a mass petition, report this to the media, talk to them(try to), try to change stuff! You don’t change something by doing nothing!


I do not think they ignored it (taken from snowbasins facebook) “We at Snowbasin Resort had an incident yesterday for which we have received much deserved criticism. We are frankly embarrassed by this situation and have taken measures to prevent this type of incident occurring in the future. Snowbasin strongly believes in treating all of our guests with respect. We strive to deserve the respect and exceed the expectations of everyone visiting our resort”.

This looks like a comment of “regret” to me . . .


A weak attempt at an apology without actually apologising. They are idiots for not responding to the several hundred comments on their Facebook page.


well that not even an apology, they just say they where embarrassed and that will try to prevent this from happening again, no apology whatsoever…


it is a statement of regret though

redjames - 31 December 2011 12:57 AM

it is a statement of regret though

Yeah, regret they got caught.


Just to clarify a few things:

The snowboarder was NOT going unacceptably “fast”. Look at the skiers in the video - many were going much faster. So why were the skiers not reprimanded? Simple - because they weren’t snowboarders.

Targetting someone purely for their chosen mode of sliding down the snow is known as DISCRIMINATION. Repeatedly doing so is known as HARASSMENT. The staff at Snowbasin regularly engage in BOTH. The blue coat Village People skier guy was blatantly guilty of BOTH.

The ONLY reason the nazi patroller didn’t escalate his aggressive tirade, is because he finally realized he was being filmed. He was NOT genuinely apologetic or remorseful - and had the incident not been filmed, things would have gotten a LOT worse for the snowboarders!

This is a regular occurrence at Snowbasin. The only difference with this one is that the culprits were finally caught on film. These bitter, impotent ‘mall cops of the snow’ clearly have little else to live for but to abuse what little ‘power’ they have.

Snowbasin were made aware of this incident soon after it occurred, but so far have done NOTHING to make amends, adequately reprimand the staff members involved, or ensure it won’t happen again!

Sc4rF4c3 - 30 December 2011 04:19 PM

Still boycotting them would be stupid, it’s far more effective if step to the manager/organization as 1 and ask for change.
Boycotting is like doing nothing. Witch of course leads to nowhere. Make a mass petition, report this to the media, talk to them(try to), try to change stuff! You don’t change something by doing nothing!

Boycotting is FAR from “doing nothing” - the exact opposite, in fact. If enough people join the boycott, Snowbasin are faced with financial damage, and are FORCED to act.

There’s already a “mass petition” of sorts (thousands and thousands of scalding Facebook comments), and Snowbasin have indicated they don’t give a crap. The only effective way to make them change their ways is to hit them where it actually hurts, their wallets.


Im sure snowbasin have compensated for the “mental” damage they have caused this young fellow, and I am sure they have sorted out the ski patroller involved. Its not like the snow basin pollicy is to wait down the bottom of the run and say shut the fuck up to all the snowboarders that ride past.

I personally dont think they have to apologize to everyone for what happened to two snowboarders. You are seeing this as an attack on snowboarders by snowbasin, but really it is between the snowboarder and the ski partoller. Im sure they have sorted out the problem between them.

I admit what the ski patroller said to the snowboarder was bad, and that from what is SHOWN in the film, doesn’t require the snowboarder to lose his pass for the day. I dont think snowbasin should be on trial here, its the ski patroller. Lets get on his facebook and say what a bad ski patroller he is. Lets not let him help us when we are hurt because he might swear at us.

This has been blown way out of proportion . . .

redjames - 31 December 2011 03:39 AM

Im sure snowbasin have compensated for the “mental” damage they have caused this young fellow, and I am sure they have sorted out the ski patroller involved.

No, Snowbasin still haven’t contacted him.

No formal announcement has been made regarding the two Snowbasin employees caught on video engaging in discrimination and harassment.

redjames - 31 December 2011 03:39 AM

Its not like the snow basin pollicy is to wait down the bottom of the run and say shut the fuck up to all the snowboarders that ride past.

True. Apparently it’s Snowbasin’s policy to look the other way while these incidents occur - as has been the case for many, many years.

redjames - 31 December 2011 03:39 AM

I personally dont think they have to apologize to everyone for what happened to two snowboarders.

That’s not what all these people are calling for. They want to finally see an end to this kind of discrimination and harassment, once and for all. It’s been happening for years, to a LOT of snowboarders, but they’ve never been caught on video before.

redjames - 31 December 2011 03:39 AM

You are seeing this as an attack on snowboarders by snowbasin, but really it is between the snowboarder and the ski partoller.

This was not an isolated incident. It was part of an ongoing attack on snowboarders by Snowbasin staff, evidently endorsed by Snowbasin management - so it is an attack on snowboarders by Snowbasin.

redjames - 31 December 2011 03:39 AM

Im sure they have sorted out the problem between them.


redjames - 31 December 2011 03:39 AM

I admit what the ski patroller said to the snowboarder was bad, and that from what is SHOWN in the film, doesn’t require the snowboarder to lose his pass for the day.

You imply that perhaps something was not “SHOWN”? The video makes it perfectly clear that the Snowbasin staffers were reacting specifically to only the actions of the snowboarder caught on film in that segment. And it’s not simply what was said, but why it was said.

redjames - 31 December 2011 03:39 AM

I dont think snowbasin should be on trial here, its the ski patroller.

Snowbasin were shown the video of their employees acting inappropriately, and chose to ignore it. Snowbasin management is responsible for all employees, so Snowbasin definitely deserves to be “on trial here”.

redjames - 31 December 2011 03:39 AM

This has been blown way out of proportion . . .

Not even close.


Is there any other evidence like this of snowbasin staff doing similar things to this?
Also the ski patrol apologizes and gives him his pass back if that counts for anything . . .