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Harassment at Snowbasin watchh!!



Agreed, anyone wearing skinny pants should booted…


What a silly old fart!!!!!

I woulda gone straight down to the management, and put the old prick in for harassment!!!!!


Who cares what they wear, fact that ski patrol swear at patrons like that isn’t on. I would have asked to speak to a manager on the spot. Hell that video evidence would probably be enough to get the guy suspended from duties if thats the way he treats people.



That’s what they were havin a go at him for?????

The douche bag shouldn’t have been standin right on that hit anyway!!!!! What a pack of pencil necks!!!!!

Looks like Snow Douche Resort will be off my list of places to see!!!!!

And if ya listen carefully, after the guy with the camera says that they’re only hasslin them cause they’re young, the dude with the myth busters mo says “No, we’re harassing anybody that’s boarding”, ya can here it clear as, @ 2:11!!!!! What a Wanker!!!!!


lol sif that was dangerous.  those patrollers need to check out slalom gully at hotham…


Yeah, if they came down under, it would make their heads explode!!!!!  LOL


I urge everybody to go to Snowbasin’s Facebook page ( ) and post this or something similar (I just did):

Seriously, is this the way Snowbasin treats ALL their ‘guests’?!

It appears Snowbasin has a lot more in common with Alta and Deer Valley than just geographic location!!!


Just saw how many other people had the same idea I did:

Social media RULES!!!


By the look of it, they are goin into damage control by wipin out all the negative posts and links to the video!!!!!

Are they complete morons????? Is Thredbo management over in Basin for the NoHe season?????  cool hmm


That’s ridiculous. I’m posting this on our Facebook page.


Hehe, I posted the full edit on Snowbasin’s page, Snowbasin Park’s page - as well as a stack of other snowboard related Facebook pages.

Snowbasin have apparently done NOTHING to deal with these pricks, other than issue a seriously pathetic comment on their Facebook page - which is NOT an apology, and does NOT detail what measures were taken either in reprimanding the offenders or ensuring it won’t happen again:

“We at Snowbasin Resort had an incident yesterday for which we have received much deserved criticism. We are frankly embarrassed by this situation and have taken measures to prevent this type of incident occurring in the future. Snowbasin strongly believes in treating all of our guests with respect. We strive to deserve the respect and exceed the expectations of everyone visiting our resort.”

NOT anywhere near good enough, Snowbasin!!!


geez….glad we are not going there next week as just realised my 6 year old would get his pass confiscated and told to shut the eff up as well as he is a “dangerous” boarder…

what knobs and in this economic environment when every guest and word of mouth (or facebook) counts…


And now everyone on that mountain will have their cameras out and recording their runs…good!


Haha, my dad lives for this “fight the power” stuff!!!  teacherboy