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The Line Up - Daily Chat :)

Billy - 22 December 2011 08:12 PM
SOLO MAN - 22 December 2011 11:13 AM

Loving holidays atm cool smirk
Today went shoping for a new PFD (well swapped my new one for a better size). Checked out an oldschool snake run bowl I remembered visiting as a kid (photos up in skate section by end of tonight. Went to Frankston to check out the dive shop for fins and spearfishin gear. Was hot so went out to the beach to have a swim. Had a sleep when I got home. Went out for a skate at 730 to 9pm. Now having a beer, chicken schnitzels while goin though photos and bout to do a big skate progress write up of the past month.
Also setin up my new skate deck and retiring my current one smile

I’m changing your name to Solo Man! You can’t sit still can ya? wink

Sounds like an awesome day!

LOL wouldnt be the first time I get called that


I was thinkin more along the lines of….........

“Fully Loaded Teacher Boy”


LOL the next generation!


It’s gonna be the next character in X MEN!!!!! Wolverine has been around long enough!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 23 December 2011 12:12 AM

It’s gonna be the next character in X MEN!!!!! Wolverine has been around long enough!!!!!

hmmm say what now??!!  Adamantium Claws make sparks, sparks can make fire, fur burns, Bears I imagine wouldn’t want any part of that.. being furry and all.

Plus there is the whole Rage/Slash/Claw/Death thing to consider . . .
oh oh


We have an awesome storm on at the moment, was gnarly watching it approach shaka


The sky looks sick in those pics mate.

I hope everyone had an awesome christmas and is ready to snag bargains tomorrow shaka


Awesome pics Azz, I heard it is pretty wild down there at the moment!!! Even possible tornadoes!!!


The storm in those photo’s looks epic! hope all is alright down there!


Just put my car under the carport - just in case!!


I did the same last night Billy, reading status’s from folk in Melbs I thought I’d be cautious.


Ine of my friends got owned, 9 out of 10 cars at their party got damaged and the back pergola is now pretty useless with holes everywhere.


Awesome photos, Azz!


Yeah, sick pics Azz!!!!! Specially the one with the lightnin strike!!!!!


Showed the mini shredit to my GoPro sponsors thx Mizu productions :D
The order shall be placed tomorrow and I hope I’ll get it somewhere start 2012 :D