The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Pictures of awesome shit.


^^^^ LOL ^^^^^

Stupid Bear !!!!!

The Demon, IIRC correctly was at World Expo in Brisbane, 1988.

I am sure I went on it there, as well as A.W


It was called the Titan in 1988 at World Expo, then the Demon at Australia’s Wonderland. Looks like its in the states now.

Quote Wiki “The later was called the Titan, renamed as The Demon and operated at Wonderland Sydney before being relocated to Alabama as the Zoomerang”

Wiki Link


Gee Miz you are slow, yes the photo is at Wonderland, I knew that when I posted it! I just thought it had moved to Austria.

Found a mad website too


You guys have no idea when it comes to “Satire” do ya?????

Maybe ya should all keep away from the theme park rides and fairy floss for a while!!!!!! Don’t think it’s doin ya any favours!!!!! smirk


The start Of my Saturday night after my last day of work for the year


Wow K2, you’ve already pretty much destroyed that board!

And Rabbit is awesome, their Dark and Light beer smile


Been a Looooong time since The Dragon has been on a proper ‘coaster.  If any youse (haha teachers) need a place to go in the US for Roller Coasters head to Cedar Point, Sandusky Ohio - Roller Coaster Capital of the World!!!

True I have Many other reccomendations, but for all in one go, that’s the place. 

TJswish - 17 December 2011 08:52 AM

Wow K2, you’ve already pretty much destroyed that board!

And Rabbit is awesome, their Dark and Light beer smile

Haha man that photo makes it look in good nick. The nose looks black and I have cracks through every bolt point.

I skate hard. Lucky got a spare 24 deck ready at home wink

RPS88A - 12 December 2011 09:14 AM


rider26 - 17 December 2011 05:59 PM
RPS88A - 12 December 2011 09:14 AM


bahahaha soo good!


I lost my shit when i seen this family sticker hahaha


hahahaa that is gold!


One of the guys at work has got that on his van!!!!!  LOL


High five from me then mate!! Best sticker…

Azz - 13 December 2011 01:46 AM

It was called the Titan in 1988 at World Expo, then the Demon at Australia’s Wonderland. Looks like its in the states now.

Quote Wiki “The later was called the Titan, renamed as The Demon and operated at Wonderland Sydney before being relocated to Alabama as the Zoomerang”

Wiki Link

i thought that became the cyclone at dreamworld… could be wrong