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Drift HD


The Drift HD does sell well and the distributor has run out of stock (Launch). They are hoping to get a new shipment early next week.

I’ll be ordering several this week as well as whatever GP2 I can get for xmas orders (different distributors) I have pre orders for GP2 so if you want one make sure you contact me so I can get enough stock.
In the next couple of weeks I’ll have tested both and have comparison footage.

I only just saw this thread! I’ll try and PM you guys that have an intention of buying or send one my way with what you want (SD card size, mounts, PoleCam etc.). What I charge is not even close to competitive.


I’m interested but in no hurry.  I’ll wait for your comparison.


So when can we expect a hands on review from you spaz? Video footage shot by you with the latest firmware would answer a lot of questions!


Was just in comor in whistler and they have them for 45% off I think I saw..


45% Off!!!!!

No wonder they are sellin well!!!!!

drc13 - 09 December 2011 09:20 PM

So when can we expect a hands on review from you spaz? Video footage shot by you with the latest firmware would answer a lot of questions!

My email is being a bitch to use and it was taking taking time to send anything, this last week I spent so much time sending emails to the GoPro distributer I didn’t get around to putting an order in with Drift.

On Monday I’ll have been in contact with them and know if I can place an order, hopefully they have enough stock to supply me some DriftHD and not have them all reserved for back orders.
Then I’ll try to find time to have a play, I will include a waterproof housing in the order and take it one a surf.

The video job I have tomorrow will leave me with 18hrs of footage to edit - I’ll be up to my eyeballs getting it done, then next weekend another 6hrs will be added to it.

Lets hope I can do a hands on review by the new year!
But who knows? - a new toy and something to break the monotony of 24hrs worth of dancing (provided I can get the shipment before xmas) might be enough for me to complete a review in one day, within the next 2 weeks.

I was going through a few boxes (still unpacking from Thredbo) and was surprised to find an unopened POV.HD!!!!! If I feel inclined I’ll also do an in-depth review of it since I’ve been using them for 12 months now.


For anyone interested in comparing the gopro 2 and drift hd…


And here’s a written review that points out that the drift HD video quality is pretty bad…


^ From a gadget guy Dan, who admits to having no experience with pov cameras.
He would probably say the same thing about GoPro (unless they were twisting his arm otherwise).

No bottom end camera (GoPoo, Drift, contour) put out a good image.
Helmet cams are toys (not consumer equipment, not pro-sumer, not professional) they are a throw away item that will be out of date in under 6 months.

I know that many released this year have had better versions designed for early release next year. Some had better models designed 18 months ago but the market and GFC halted production.

Buy a canon, nikon, panasonic etc… (considered consumer products) they are really still just toys with similar tech to todays phones.


Make sure you carefully check the date of the reviews though. Drift has been releasing firmwares fairly regularly tweaking the quality. It looks like they’ve tweaked the AE algorithm (automatic exposure???) and 60fps performance recently. The firmware changes can be found here

Obviously I have no idea how much of an improvement they are making but it looks like they are putting time into it. Having the same sensor setup as the stealth it should end up with pretty good quality in the end.

On the sound front I’ve seen another youtube video where a guy compared sound before and after firmware updates and it was a pretty big improvement. Having said that sound from any of these cameras without use of an external mic is gonna be pretty crappy hence most edits having music playing over the top.


I’m doing a Xmas special for Drift HD+accessories. Check it out!

I also have class 10 SD and Micro SD cards on special.


Cool rundown of the functions and usability of DriftHD.