The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


CableWake day - Penrith


I won’t be able to make the 10th. I actually went to Cables last weekend but sprained my ankle from crashing. So that’s one reason I can’t go, but mainly cause I have cricket on the 10th anyway.


I’m interested! I’ve only been wakeboarding once but it was at cables and I loved it. I did get an epic headache from the “learning curve” but it was well worth it. If it’s on a weekend I’m pretty sure I can go.


I’m a workin on the 10th, plus I really have to knuckle down and behave myself now that I have gone and booked Whistler!!!!!  long face


Maybe a January trip might be more suitable? Get everyone in… Might have to be more of just a wakeboard trip and lunch or something to keep costs down for all the travelers.


I can’t make the 10th either, sorry!


January sound more suitable for me too.


rain check it is then


Yeah, I checked just then and it is rainin!!!!! How’d ya know, humdinga?????


i haz mi sauces

was going to look for nifty sauce picture
*note* do not type animated sauces while at work its not PG rated LOL


My curiosity got the best of me!!!!! Ya right, it’s not PG Rated!!!!!



try it with GIF