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Big Day Out 2012


Who’s planning on going to Big Day Out 2012?

We have something in the pipeline… looks like we’re going to have four double passes to give away! 

Stay tuned.



very nice!!!


Wasn’t planning to go but would if I got a double pass lol


yeah I’m the same as TJ! Haven’t been since 2004 but would go if it was freeeeeeeee!


If I do go I’ll wear my Boardworld tee so people can think I’m important and if any of you guys are there you could say hello smile


Me and BIG FAT BLACK (Fatima) are going yewwwwwww


I wanna go so I can get on stage when Kanye West is on, and give a shout out to Taylor Swift!!!!!!


already got my tickets 2 go but its a good idea, doesnt matter what the line up is always a epic day

the best part has 2 b the bus ride up lol


no chance. costs too much to see only a handful of bands i even like. im doing the Kanye sideshow for sure tho…

Mizu Kuma - 28 November 2011 07:42 AM

I wanna go so I can get on stage when Kanye West is on, and give a shout out to Taylor Swift!!!!!!

haha yer nice!!


YEW!!! pick me! heheh