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Packing Tips for Shred Trips!


Just had a quick look on there and my board bag is beyond the length limit of 1.5m..

Anyone out there sent gear home from Japan without breaking the bank?


I thought the length might be an issue with regular post. You have to go with a shipping carrier. I’m not sure which one would be best in Japan.


Extra Japan tip:

If you’re traveling around the country and don’t want to carry all your stuff with you, the hotels can arrange to ship your stuff to the next destination ahead of time.

You just need the next address (hotel, city, etc.), and pack just your essentials for a day or so, and voila, when you arrive at your next destination, your stuff is waiting for you in the hotel!

The trains and train stations are really not designed for moving large luggage around, just ask anybody who’s navigated Tokyo or Shinjuku stations, or had to change between train stations in Tokyo.


If you’re going to Niseko (Hirafu) do a trip to the post office in Kitchan (spelling?). From memory for 5kgs its about $45AUD. Quite expensive.

At the airport you’re allowed x limit for checked baggage. Here’s how to make your worth. Check the maximum you can onto checked baggage. Now, rules are men are allowed one day bag and one breifcase/notebook bag. Take advantage. For ladies its one day bag and one handbag. We squeezed boots and helmets and heaps of other junk into carry on by abusing the rules a bit. Also you could even strap your helmet onto your bag and carry that on too.

If you’re sneaky you can put your big toe under the boardbag when they weigh it on the conveyer too. That will wipe a few kgs.

As for packing, i realised one thing. I packed too much as far as clothes are concerned.

This is what i’d reccomend for a 2 week trip.

1x snowboard pants
1x snowboard jacket
1x Shitty riding shirt.
1x Hoodie.
2x street shirts
1x jeans/cargo/longish pants
shitloads of undies
a few pairs of riding socks
a few pairs of regular socks

Think about it. Most of the time you’ll spend on the slopes. you dont need THAT many civvie clothes.


Yeah. It’s all about just not taking so much shit. Didn’t help that i had a Chemical Storm Shadow and my K2 WWW too raspberry Cant wait to get another board trip in.

snowslider - 08 November 2010 01:36 AM

Burton’s luggage has a lifetime warranty too.
Ive busted a handle once from improper handling by airport staff.
they fixed it with no problem.

Would the nylon clips that connect the cinch straps be covered? They’re the straps that are used to tighten up the contents of the bag. I bought a new Burton Wheelie Board Case from STM before a NZ trip last year, and one of the clips snapped.


Hey chucky, if you speak to STM I’m sure they will find out for you and do what they can to resolve the issue. I’m guessing it’s been less than a year since your purchase, so either way it should be covered by warranty.


Taking this off sticky for a while.


So since I got my new bag today i thought i would resurrect this thread.

I am hoping I manage to keep my Wheelie Gig under weight for my Japan trip!


im sure my wheelie gig will be fine..its the missus im worried about!
she will a)fill her bags with so much crap and b)buy shitloads in vegas/tahoe and be stung with excess baggage


Just found out that Air Canadia only let on one 23kg checked piece of gear per person, so I’m gonna chuck both our boards/boots/helmets into my DaKine coffin and just pay the $70 extra baggage fee (Which if ya don’t tell them upon bookin, can blow out to $370!!!!!), and then we are gonna check another 23kg bag each, that way we can bring home some stuff if need be!!!!! (Like riders 156 Burton Fish maybe!!!!!)


up there for thinking Mizu!!

but yeah i am restricted to 23kg also… lucky i am not spending anytime in Tokyo! purely a ski holiday this! (been a long time since i have been on one of those!)

Mizu Kuma - 27 November 2011 09:40 AM

Just found out that Air Canadia only let on one 23kg checked piece of gear per person, so I’m gonna chuck both our boards/boots/helmets into my DaKine coffin and just pay the $70 extra baggage fee (Which if ya don’t tell them upon bookin, can blow out to $370!!!!!), and then we are gonna check another 23kg bag each, that way we can bring home some stuff if need be!!!!! (Like riders 156 Burton Fish maybe!!!!!)

im flying air canada - i was planing to stuff as much stuff into my dakine wheelie board bag and then have a massive carry on luggage with everything else i need. This will still work yeah??


Carry on has a size/weight restriction too!!!!! But after just checkin on Air Canada’s site, its massively generous compared to other airlines!!!!!

They say that ya can have one “Standard article” PLUS one “Personal article” per person!!!!!!

So as I read it, that’s another 20kg of gear!!!!! big surprise

From the Air Canada site,

Standard article
Maximum size:
23 cm x 40 cm x 55 cm
(9 in x 15.5 in x 21.5 in)
Wheels and handles included.

Maximum weight:
10 kg (22 lb)

Personal article
Maximum size:
16 cm x 33 cm x 43 cm
(6 in x 13 in x 17 in)

Maximum weight:
10 kg (22 lb)

But then I rang them to make sure!!!!!  rolleyes

10kg max carry on baggage!!!!! (Contradictin their own website)

And my plan of packin 2 boards/boots in one bag under 23kg will be charged as 2 peices of Baggage!!!!! WTF?????

I’m just gonna have to be extra nice to the person that checks us in!!!!!!


What sorta bag would you guys recommend to fit two boards in?  I want to shove my T Rice 157 and the missus’ Burton 144 in the same bag with both bindings sets and both pairs of boots.  I really want one with wheels and I’m not sure the Burton Wheelie gig is big enough, thought maybe one of the Dakine’s or the Burton board case I think it is might be a better deal?