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Boardworld Skater Progress Thread


Hell yeah dude, that was awesome! Steezy raspberry


Nice man, that looked sick.


Went for a skate tonight and I was able to drop in from another ramp that was a bit higher and had no coping, it was scary at first but it feels so good and fear for that one is gone. smile Now, I want to gradually go higher! shaka


nice work mate!

yeah im pretty crap at vert, tried dropping in a bowl once - didn’t end well ‘cause i didn’t commit!


Thanks banana! smile I’m bad at vert too, I’m more of a street skater but still haven’t learned any flip tricks yet :( best I’ve done is slipped out from the 2 heelflips I’ve ever done :(


The progress that everyone is making in this thread is awesome. I am sure that everyone being stoked of each other is helping the progession as well. Been mucking around at the local park with some of the fellas. One of the guys and myself have been trying to add some variations to some tricks. Like keeping the front foot on the board when doing a pop shuv it while kicking our own butts with the back foot. Super funny to muck around on.
2 tricks I am trying to nail at the moment are nollie full cabs and fakie full cab. Get super dizzy practicing them all the time.


LOL ^^^

Went to the skatepark today to try some 50-50s on the box and man its a big step from the ledge at the spot we found. I need to learn to bring my back foot up and I need to be closer to the ledge! >:$


Lazy back foot the joys of that throwing you to the ground next are fun. Closer is not always necessary, just popping enough to get on the back truck.


Practice makes perfect smile
Hey Cj do you have any clips of you skating on Youtube or anything? I rekon it’d be awesome seeing you skate :D


Don’t have anything online and haven’t made plans to film anything. See what happens might end up doing something with one or two fellas.


All good smile I might end up putting videos up when I get better LOL


After weeks of trying to get onto the box at the skatepark I finally do smile

It was a massive transition from curb to box for me. So stoked I finally was able to get on LOL
Did my first 50-50s on the box instead of a curb wooo I haven’t 50-50’d all the way on it because I either lose speed or it slips out but the most important thing for me is getting on the box!


Stoked mate!!
I’ve had a lot of up n down progress the past few weeks. Will post later about it


haven’t been skating in a while but i got my new drift hd today so me and my mate went to test it out!

Tried to put down some phat tricks we hadn’t landed before - didn’t catch any of film but we got a few nearlys!

I nearly got my first tre flip, and a sweet fakie backflip flip (i landed a few but my mate wasn’t filming michelle )

My mate Steve was keen on getting a varial double flip, and he was sooo close!

Anyways im pretty stoked with my new cam and my progression, will chuck up the vid soon smile


Looking forward to it buddy! :D