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Boardworld Skater Progress Thread


Speaking of commitment and mental barriers, Thanks for your help the other day Andy!! We didn’t end up going to Monster the other day because we ran out of time before my flight home :( so we just went to Umina for a roll. Andy helped me balls up a bit that day, pretty difficult to break through the fear of something, but when you finally do its SO SO awesome! ....or maybe I’m just being a scaredy cat??


Nah, u just started skating in the skate park where as most people start rolling around when your a kid to get places so u haven’t built up the confidence with the basics yet. But it didn’t stop u from rolling in and then a few cheeky rock to fakies on the little quarters after only a few goes at it!!


Yeeeeeew! shaka Good onya Nikky smile


Went for a skate tonight and found a new street spot that has ledges that are small enough for me to practice on.

I can 50-50 now smile but I need the ledge to be a bit more smoother, any tips for that? I’ve tried grinding it down with my old trucks and I’ve also waxed the crap out of the ledge but it still isn’t smooth enough and I end up getting stuck.

I also practiced some shove its and pop shove its, I managed to land some shove its and I’m getting used to doing it without slipping out.

But I’m just super stoked on the 50-50s!! I can’t wait to try it out at the park! Yeeeeeeeeeeewww! shaka


Nice work BKM shaka


I got sick of the rain and was dying to try my new bearings so I went to a night sesh at Slam Factory after work.
Looks like all my practice on the little (no coping) quarters at umina paid off. Everything I’ve been practicing came together tonight at slam cheese
Here’s what I learned:

* My first real Rock to Fakie in the mini ramp (Fuuuuck Yeah)
* Axle stalls on a real mini ramp
* Axle stall then rock to fakie on the other side
* Dropped in on the weird super verty quarter pipe.
* Dropped in on the Big Half Pipe for the first time rocker

Also my bearings were so fast and smooth, really glad I got them.
And I have the knee version of swelbow and I don’t even remember how I got it. But who cares!
Best skate sesh I’ve had in ages. Stoked!!


Hell yeah man! shaka Thats awesome! I haven’t really learned to drop in on big ramps yet, I’ve only dropped in on those little ones that are about 1 metre high or so.

I’m hoping to go for another skate this week at that spot I found so I can get my 50-50s on lock. I think I need to wax it even more because I’m barely moving with my grinds, it kinda just locks/stalls in and I fall off haha LOL


Nice work guys!! Andy killing it! love the progression sesh! and BKM 50-50’s!!!! fukin sweet bro! Devo I can’t add anything, mostly to the lack of riding due to the closest skate park being 1hr away… and i am carless.

SO… I’ve decided to build my own half pipe / two quarters. I have a nice shed and smooth concrete, lots of material and an epic idea! :D Any tips/input would be greatly appreciated.

It could all turn out to be an epic fail, but oh well!


Nice work guys!! Andy killing it! love the progression sesh! and BKM 50-50’s!!!! fukin sweet bro! Devo I can’t add anything, mostly to the lack of riding due to the closest skate park being 1hr away… and i am carless.

SO… I’ve decided to build my own half pipe / two quarters. I have a nice shed and smooth concrete, lots of material and an epic idea! :D Any tips/input would be greatly appreciated.

It could all turn out to be an epic fail, but oh well!


Thats awesome your gonna do that Nikky! Have a look here for help and vids on designs.

BKM keep up the good work on the 5050s. Some gutters will struggle to slide well no matter how much wax you put on them as they are just too corse. If it seems ok, just ad heaps of wax each time your there to help it layer up. also put wax on the top and side (not just the edge). Any spots where the wheels or tail/nose/board will be sliding needs wax to help it go.

F#$K YEAH Andy! Sounds like a super progressive sesh. Good to hear its all linking up nicely rocker
Rock to fakies feel so good on a nice quater/mini/ramp.

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 25 November 2011 05:43 AM

F#$K YEAH Andy! Sounds like a super progressive sesh. Good to hear its all linking up nicely rocker
Rock to fakies feel so good on a nice quater/mini/ramp.

Yeah they do!  cheese


went up to wollongong to skate for 3 days and i feel like its the most progressive for days of skating i’ve ever had.

From never even trying any of these tricks before, i now have them nailed.

-Varial Kickflip
-Frontside Boardslide
-Backside Boardside
-Fakie Varial Kickflip
-Fakie backside kickflip

i managed to catch on film one of my very first varial kickflips smile

[vimeo]<object width=“400” height=“225”><param name=“allowfullscreen” value=“true” ><embed src=“” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” allowfullscreen=“true” allowscriptaccess=“always” width=“400” height=“225”></embed></object>[/vimeo]


Thats sick black, i wish the video worked! I wanna see it


Can’t see the video :(
Im so keen to see it :D


hrmm not sure what went wrong

does this link work