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Creative ideas for a video series…? Brainstorm.


LOL plain n simple! Ninjas! Hahahaha


I want jez to be in the distance or background of at least one shot per episode doing wacky break dance moves in the snow


No ninja would be caught on video. 


Good v evil
Boardworld v pro riders

Some sort of loose script where the forces of good and and evil battle out for snow domination. Throw in a love interest where the guy overcomes personal growth and wins the girl in the end.

Tills - 27 October 2011 08:26 AM

No ninja would be caught on video. 

They’re all in the roof cavity!!!!!


fatima wants it to have somethin to do with Whitney Houston!!!!!!




I would like to see each rider doing their favourite run of the mountain


Thing is.. not everyone likes to tell people where their ‘favourite’ runs are - especially on a powder day wink
Either way I think this is going to be great, completely missed this thread when it was originally posted.

I vote for a cross mountain pub crawl for the finale.. but I’d say it’s a safe bet that the brand probably wouldn’t be keen on it.

finney - 21 November 2011 04:55 AM

Thing is.. not everyone likes to tell people where their ‘favourite’ runs are - especially on a powder day wink

very true - but showing us their favourite “commercial” run is always a good one. i.e. this is a run that is super fun any day not just when freshies are in town.

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 27 October 2011 02:36 AM

How bout challenging a random snow goer to a game of SNOW (like skate). They obviously have to be decent enough to compete, but choosing some random from the park to participate

I reckon thats a good idea! would be pretty darn cool….and youd never know what to expect from the other rider!

sorry TJ but I have to disagree in part with the talking/interviews .....most snowboard vids with talking are boring cause they have nothing new to say…random 20 yr olds saying how ‘sick it is here and how hard it is to fly 20hrs to comps and how smashed they got last night etc etc is so boring its not funny’. having said that you occasionally get some really interesting interviews with the likes of jeremy jones etc or perhaps the person asking the questions /leading the interview is particularly skilled at it and gets a good result. maybe do the interviews and I guess it would have to be up to the directors to leave the shitty ones on the cutting room floor.

spaz - 27 October 2011 07:55 PM

Good v evil
Boardworld v pro riders

Some sort of loose script where the forces of good and and evil battle out for snow domination. Throw in a love interest where the guy overcomes personal growth and wins the girl in the end.

lol i like this idea!


Slippery dip slopes?