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It’s HOT!


31 and rising! Not sure how I’m going to handle summer this year after being in Whistler last year!


It’s not hot enough.
Summer is gonna’ be ripe. Hittin up Waterfall farm.
Waterfall Farm is a river of ALOT of rapids and rocks, sure you get hurt but it’s worth it.


rode the pushie home from work yesterday

Farken Hell!!!!! :(


Looks beautiful outside today in Canberra, mother nature looks to be putting on her best for Obama’s arrival tomorrow!

Too bad I am stuck in the office and it is freezing in here gulp


Watching the sun set yesterday was awesome! The warm breeze cooling my skin while Venus hovered on a golden horizon, drink in hand then coming inside to pasta and TV in front of a fan with a/c on in my undies.
Bring on summer!

Woke up feeling cold due to fan on all night so wore hoodie to breaky.

Much nicer today - a/c wasn’t needed but had it on in my new pad to blow out the dust (hasn’t been used for a few years).
Very comfortable in Thirroul at work. So good driving home with all the windows down. Now 19? @ 10pm


Wow today!!!!!
Average temp at 3pm out my back door was 42, THAT’S AVERAGE from 5 readings. The highest was 50 in my hammock!!!!!!

Right now at 1am(ish) it’s 24.

At work wasn’t as bad (except I was in jeans and a long sleeve collard shirt),
Top of Bulli Pass = 34
Bottom = 27 (Thirroul)


I officially hate summer! Was a bridesmaid yesterday in 32 degree heat and it made everything so much harder to do. The poor bride was sweating like crazy from the heat. The groom and groomsmen were sweltering in their suits.


Ya should be officially hatin weddings blizz!!!!!

If ya were at the beach drinkin cold beers, playin sand cricket, snorkelin, swimmin and eatin BBQ’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner, ya wouldn’t be hatin summer all that much really!!!!!

spaz - 19 November 2011 01:52 PM

Wow today!!!!!
Average temp at 3pm out my back door was 42, THAT’S AVERAGE from 5 readings. The highest was 50 in my hammock!!!!!!

Right now at 1am(ish) it’s 24.

At work wasn’t as bad (except I was in jeans and a long sleeve collard shirt),
Top of Bulli Pass = 34
Bottom = 27 (Thirroul)

time to move the hammock perchance?


Time to move to whistler folks!
Sunny as hell
And -12 on the top.

CBradio - 19 November 2011 11:34 PM

Time to move to whistler folks!
Sunny as hell
And -12 on the top.

Oh nice, I can’t wait til I head over to Canada in Feb. too bad it’s only for 2 weeks downer Hot weather sucks..


This weekend was so hot!! My body is still bright red from being out in the sun all day yesterday… Next time I will apply plenty of sunscren

fatima4u - 20 November 2011 08:33 AM

This weekend was so hot!! My body is still bright red from being out in the sun all day yesterday… Next time I will apply plenty of sunscren

You’re just a closet saucehead aren’t ya Mikka

TJswish - 20 November 2011 11:03 AM
fatima4u - 20 November 2011 08:33 AM

This weekend was so hot!! My body is still bright red from being out in the sun all day yesterday… Next time I will apply plenty of sunscren

You’re just a closet saucehead aren’t ya Mikka

hahaha na i usually am pretty lucky and dodge a bullet but not this time