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How do you train off-snow?


I just indo board

Dan83 - 25 September 2011 05:48 AM

I just typed freebording into youtube and this is what came up.

Is that what everyone’s talking about? It looks like longboarding but their feet are strapped in. Whatever it is it looks heaps fun.

Yep that would be it. URL from above:

Look wrong getting drift round the corners and spinning.



Looks like so much fun. I’d never seen this type of skateboard. I want one!


Go to school with public transport everyday…

ok no I swim every week(try to) and go snowboarding indoors a few times a year

MoonUnit - 25 September 2011 09:53 AM
Dan83 - 25 September 2011 05:48 AM

I just typed freebording into youtube and this is what came up.

Is that what everyone’s talking about? It looks like longboarding but their feet are strapped in. Whatever it is it looks heaps fun.

Yep that would be it. URL from above:

Look wrong getting drift round the corners and spinning.


Like i said before this is quiet cool if you are good at it, its hurts when you are starting off lol smile  i have one at home and quiet sick i tell you you can apply almost all principals as u would when you snowboard ...


For anyone else that’s interested, this video gives a quick rundown on what freebording is all about. Sorry to hijack this thread hahaha wink


thinking of doing a bit of tramping

anyone got a link to trampoline joints north syd - western sydney?

also a link to a joint that sells those tramp boards too would be sweet


Narrabeen has a gymnastic centre with tramp that runs adult classes.  I enquired about em, they run every Wednesday from 7pm till 9pm I think from memory.  I was keen to go but figured I need to work on my fitness a bit before going.


i assume just getting some standard tramp lesson 1st, then worry about strapping the board

need one of those places that have a foam pit as well i think


here are some extra exercises I was given by the gym instructor at Melb Uni:

. lunges with weight held overhead
. legs on swiss ball, curl knees into stomach and back then push-up, repeat
. bosu ball squats
. dumbell press with head/shoulders resting on swiss ball
. balance on knees on swiss ball
. flip bosu ball so flat side is up, get in push-up position holding bosu then alternate bringing knee to elbow
. turkish get-ups - lie flat holding kettle bell with 1 straight arm, then stand up keeping arm locked straight and then lie back down still keeping arm straight
. calf raises - on machine
. lift aquabag to chin raising arms above shoulders
. overhead press with aquabag


I would be careful doing weighted exercises on a swiss ball or bosu ball until you are very familiar with them and can perform them well without weight.  I would hate to injure myself training for the snow!

BTW would be interesting to see what this sort of strength conditioning would do for your snowboarding.


yeah the bosu squats are currently bodyweight only until I’m used to it.  the only weighted bosu/swiss exercise there is the dumbbell press and that’s not too hard to manage.


Sorry mate wasn’t really referring to upper body on the balls, mostly no dramas there at all and for a lot of exercises you need weight.

nthnbeachesguy - 04 November 2011 05:02 AM

I would be careful doing weighted exercises on a swiss ball or bosu ball until you are very familiar with them and can perform them well without weight.  I would hate to injure myself training for the snow!

BTW would be interesting to see what this sort of strength conditioning would do for your snowboarding.

ah man that is nuts! yeah i think for someone that hasnt got alot of experience or control would do alot more damage than good thats for sure!


yeah it looks a bit hard on the knees i reckon