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Boardworld Drinks - Melbourne Meet Ups


[edit] This thread is now to discuss any future BW Melbourne meet n greet/drinks

Hey Melbourne/Victorian BW members.

A few of us are keen to a catch up/meet n greet in Melbourne next weekend for us Boardworld members south of the boarder. TJswish is visiting from Syd so thought we may as well meet more of us that weekend while we are at it.
Also seems like a good time, because the NSW crew are having a BBQ at Mizus that is obviously hard or impossible for some of us to make it too.

Few things:
- What night suits people better?
- Any suggestions as to where to meet?
- Who would be interested in a skate in town somewhere?
- Who would be interested in sussing out City Snow Park?

I cant remember all the Vic members, as there has been quite a few new comers from here.

Would be great to meet you all.
cool smile


Damn engagement lunch!!!!!!  smirk

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 03 November 2011 10:35 PM

Hey Melbourne/Victorian BW members.

A few of us are keen to a catch up/meet n greet in Melbourne next weekend for us Boardworld members south of the boarder. TJswish is visiting from Syd so thought we may as well meet more of us that weekend while we are at it.
Also seems like a good time, because the NSW crew are having a BBQ at Mizus that is obviously hard or impossible for some of us to make it too.

Few things:
- What night suits people better? So far for a few of us Friday is better.
- Any suggestions as to where to meet?
- Who would be interested in a skate in town somewhere?
- Who would be interested in sussing out City Snow Park?

I cant remember all the Vic members, as there has been quite a few new comers from here.

Would be great to meet you all.
cool smile

I am driving Friday night, Sat arvo we are skating, feel free to come along and meet my friends etc, Saturday night is my mate’s 25th, feel free to come drinking, Sunday morning is City to Sea, feel free to join us running 14km after drinking on Saturday night lol. smile Sunday arvo, I’ll be driving back to Sydney. Mad weekend!


I should be able to make either night. Friday night would be better for me, but I should be able to make on Saturday night too. The only problem with Saturday night is that I probably won’t be able to drink, which kind of sucks. But I’ll be there either way!!


Sat night (12th) would be better for me because unfortunately I am in Adelaide all week and get back late sat arvo.

TJswish - running 14km?!! big surprise  you are crazy anyway!!!!


Sorry guys, work + best mates masters exhibition + taking girlfriend to airport + other mates going away party kinda rules me out for that weekend. And there’s no chance I’ll be tagging along on a casual 14k run on Sunday! hahaha

Would definitely be keen to check out snowpark at some point though - can you just rock up? i had heard something about $50 lifetime memberships?


either nights is easy for me.
id be keen for a skate but i dont ahve a board, city snow park sounds fun but whtevs happens im in.


Sorry folks, I’ll be down at Wilson’s Prom having some post-exams shennanigans all weekend..
Have fun folks, would’ve loved to have made it..

deanobruce - 04 November 2011 01:30 AM

either nights is easy for me.
id be keen for a skate but i dont ahve a board, city snow park sounds fun but whtevs happens im in.

I’ll most likely be joing the boys for a skate. I can bring an extra board along for ya.


yeh why not, sounds good.


One of my mates is bringing his cruiser and actual board so we will have at least 1 spare as well smile


Boardworld Drinks Darwin 2011!
oh wait… :(

BKM - 04 November 2011 02:19 AM

Boardworld Drinks Darwin 2011!
oh wait… :(

Dies Darwin have a pub???



isnt that all they have LOL


not a skater, sorry


Dont have to be a skater. Just keen for any BW members to get together for a beer or Meet n Greet smile