The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Meeting with the development team… what’s happening.


Onward and upward BW!


That idea would be so sick!

Mudhoney - 03 November 2011 09:30 AM
Mizu Kuma - 03 November 2011 06:15 AM
Mudhoney - 03 November 2011 04:57 AM
BKM - 03 November 2011 04:43 AM

when it reaches to a very high number it would say “Mizu” LOL

..and the avatar should change to yoda

Ever be as good as mizu, no one will, so as well forget that idea you may!!!!!!

how about yoda with a popped shoulder?

Very nice thing to say now that is not, Mudhoney!!!!!  Herh herh herh!!!!!


All sounds great smile

Whats everyone think about a bar that shows who is online?


yep Azz I’m keen for a thing to see who else is online and we talked about having a BW chat thing a while ago - that would be good too.

I think having a standard BW avatar for new members is good, too.

And I like the idea of having your location somewhere near the avatar and total posts thing, too. People could not want it for privacy issues but if that is the case they can just write “the moon” or something.


I’m going to vote against the standard avatar for new members - will get confusing when you see the same avatar over and over again. Remember when everyone changed over to Jeremy’s avatar? that was confusing, you’d have to stop take a minute and double check before replying haha


I actually like the ‘cleanness’ of it as is!!!!!

If ya fill it up with too much crap it starts to detract from the over all feel!!!!!

Less = More


No standard avatar, all to confusing, I think I have a fair idea of whose post it is just from glimpsing the avatar most times.


I actually have to agree with finney, very good point. Maybe you can have a batch of standard avatars for people to choose from? Maybe 5 or something, if they want one.


Also agree with the standard avatar thing!!!!!

They can just upload an image like everyone has here, easy and original!!!!!!

Tills - 03 November 2011 09:11 AM

Hey Jez-Club,

I just thought of one thing…

Would it be possible to show our location under our avatar? Maybe on another line, underneath the total posts, and joined lines?

It would make it much easier to work out who is from where. Especially when we’re trying to arrange a local get together.

Hey mate,

Yeah it’s definitely doable. I originally wanted to have it on the forums then decided against it. Just looking at other forums, it seems a lot of people use it to put things other than their location. Kind of gets a bit silly.

What does everyone think?


I like the idea of knowing who’s online, location-with a quick way to update current location, that way it would be easier to hook-up when snow/skate/surf-ing. Maybe that’s one for the BW app

finney - 03 November 2011 11:10 PM

I’m going to vote against the standard avatar for new members - will get confusing when you see the same avatar over and over again. Remember when everyone changed over to Jeremy’s avatar? that was confusing, you’d have to stop take a minute and double check before replying haha

Good point. I think you’ve talked me out of it. Happy to get more opinions on this. Maybe we can somehow prompt members without an avatar to upload one.

rider26 - 04 November 2011 12:21 AM
finney - 03 November 2011 11:10 PM

I’m going to vote against the standard avatar for new members - will get confusing when you see the same avatar over and over again. Remember when everyone changed over to Jeremy’s avatar? that was confusing, you’d have to stop take a minute and double check before replying haha

Good point. I think you’ve talked me out of it. Happy to get more opinions on this. Maybe we can somehow prompt members without an avatar to upload one.

I’ll take care of this one if ya want me too!!!!!!  evil


Or we can chose one for members that don’t have one. Build a database of avatars like you did smilies for the ones more commonly used;
Until a new member posts in the new members thread they get a “newby” avatar.