The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
Mizu, putting the kid straight back in his box. Since 1968
What if the universe is bigger than we all think. What if we are merely tiny bacteria living on giants among us.
I need an avatar for exploding head!
Just had to ask Mate . . .
Haha the smilie one is gold
What if the universe is bigger than we all think. What if we are merely tiny bacteria living on giants among us.
Keep an eye out for bath time?????
What if in our dreams we are actually living but to live is not to dream??
Ok I’ve had enough I think I’ve confused myself…Or by confusing myself I am opening up new doors for my mind to explore?
Alright I’ll end this shenanigans!
Or is it just the start?
What if the universe is bigger than we all think. What if we are merely tiny bacteria living on giants among us.
this is probably closer to the mark than you think…
They expect the universe is far larger than our human brain can comprehend.
And therefore, your head is more likely to implode once we discover the truth about where we came from!!!!!
I just came from the bathroom, my internal universe is now a few kgs lighter. :burn:
Did ya send it through a black hole?????
Did ya send it through a black hole?????
The Matrix anyone?