The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Meeting with the development team… what’s happening.


Hey guys,

We had an awesome meeting with nacho and his team yesterday. We went over heaps of stuff and put down a plan for moving forward. You will likely see some noticeable changes over the coming weeks. We are completely upgrading the platform/software to the latest version which will enable us to customise and make all the changes we want.

Here are some things that’s we’re changing/improving/fixing/adding in the forums specifically:

The buttons when posting i.e. buttons for bold, italics etc… we are removing the redundant buttons, renaming existing ones, and adding a couple of new ones. i.e. underline and bullet point buttons.

Youtube and Vimeo tags will be placed at the point of the cursor, not at the bottom of the post. Not sure if you guys noticed this bug but it’s been annoying me.

Images with % in the URL have been showing up as a broken image. This will be fixed.

forums/surfing will be working.

Eventually I will be creating simple ‘how to use the forums’ -type videos for new members. i.e. how to post photos/videos.

A mobile version of Boardworld. This is in addition to the forums app we are developing.

We are going to be adding an upload photo feature for the forums. So instead of using Imageshack or whatever, you will be able to upload it right here, we will automatically resize it for you, then you will click something like ‘post photo’ and the URL with [img] tags will automatically be placed in your post.

Mobile phone uploading. You will be able to post photos on the forums from your mobile phone by simply emailing your phone photo to something like photo(at) Our system will automatically post the photo into a designated thread. For now though, all photos will likely go into the same thread and be posted from a Boardworld account. You can collect your photo later and put it into whatever thread you want.

In addition to the above, we are still aiming to create an even better phone photo posting function within the Boardworld App, which will let you post from your account, with a photo caption, into whatever thread you want.

Profile pages. We will be cleaning up your profile pages. i.e. getting rid of useless fields, adding new ones specific for Boardworld, allowing you to add high res photos to your profile etc. The profiles will be more interactive and useful.

Search feature. At the moment the search feature is super basic. We will be adding more advanced features so you can find threads easier and quicker, without getting a million threads showing up in the results.

Graphics and styling will also be improving site-wide.

Those are the big ones you’re most likely to see. There will be many more new features and functions popping up around the site, some you will notice, others you might not. But each one is designed to move Boardworld forward and make life easier for our members and admin team.

Let us know what you think. Hit us with any questions or ideas. cool grin


You said that I was gettin my own section!!!!!!!  mad


Everyone had a good laugh over ‘The Incident’ yesterday. Due to what happened, we completely overhauled how the system works. Basically it shouldn’t have happened in the first place, but even if someone was to get deleted again, we would be able to restore the data. Thanks Mizu! LOL


haha LOL


Sounds awesome!!


Don’t mention it!!!!!  hmmm


In all seriousness, Water Bear, what do you think of the changes?

By the way, everyone thought it was hilarious that you replied to the spammer. Hahaha snake


They sound great to me, especially the mobile apps and direct photo uploads.  A couple of small ideas:

1. option to remove that green image backdrop from the forums section, kinda makes it obvious what you’re doing if at work
2. animated GIFs for avatar/profile pics


Yeh looks lilke you guys had a very productive session. Looking forward to see the coming changes smile


Cheers Mudhoney, we will look into both.

I thought you could have a GIF as an avatar. Are you sure that’s not currently available?


Yes to “at work” version of Bw. White background / blue writing or something.

Big HELL NO! To animated gif avatars. They are annoying and repetitive and ruin good forums. Also a lot harder to monitor and keep pg.


Yeah, I agree with TJ about the animated GIF’s!!!!!!


Looking into the work-safe forum option. I agree with the GIFs. Always happy to put it to the community to get a consensus though.

Also thinking of giving everyone without an avatar, a standard BW avatar, until they upload one. What do you think?


I really like the idea of a work version! If you have a look at the deal site, they have a ‘Quick the boss is coming’ link and it basically opens an Excel spreadsheet!

TJswish - 03 November 2011 12:38 AM

Big HELL NO! To animated gif avatars. They are annoying and repetitive and ruin good forums. Also a lot harder to monitor and keep pg.

not that fussed, but wouldn’t it be cool to have eddie be able to post a sweet GIF of his flying squirrel, or K2 his massive air-to-disaster?  I would have thought the people here could generally be trusted.  I suppose there could be a Control Panel option to turn off animated GIFs for those with delicate eyes.


loving these new changes comming in, stoked how easy it will b 2 post photos, on the computer and off phones cheese