The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


New Boardworld colours sneak peek…


What do you think? Lots of changes coming in the next few weeks…


much brighter! and nice blue fade behind the logo, very nice!


Nice work.
When do you have time to sleep?


Looks great, cant wait to see it all rolled out and working.  Keep up the good work!


Looks fantastic, nice and bright. I also think by putting in the white highlights on the logo makes it stand out nicely.

Can’t wait to see it implemented!


I really like the look of that colour scheme. nice one

snowcrazy - 20 May 2010 12:27 AM

Looks fantastic, nice and bright. I also think by putting in the white highlights on the logo makes it stand out nicely.

Can’t wait to see it implemented!

I have to agree.
I diddnt notice it at first.

Tambazz - 19 May 2010 09:27 PM

Nice work.
When do you have time to sleep?

Good question. As long as I have time to ride I’ll be happy. smile


Who needs sleep?
You can sleep when you’re dead.


Colors look way better. the old one was kind of boring


I personally prefer the current scheme. Are you considering changing the background image Jeremy?


Yeah there will be new backgrounds for all sections. Each colour scheme represents a sport/section and will be worked into the backgrounds. The main problem with the current background is it doesn’t stretch over a full screen monitor, and there is a lot of dull blueish grey everywhere. The vast majority of feedback over the last ten months has been very positive, except a lot of people have been telling us the website was too dull and needs a fresher look, which we agree with. Not only is the graphics changing, but we are slowly adding new functions to make the website better for our users. As soon as we launch BW 2.0 we can concentrate on the important stuff again i.e. top quality content. Any and all feedback is always welcome, so please let us know if you have any ideas or think something needs changing. We will continually do what we can to make this website better for everyone.

Tambazz - 19 May 2010 09:27 PM

Nice work.
When do you have time to sleep?

Jeremy spends a ton of time trying to make this website as perfect as it can be!

He puts a lot of time and effort into making this website the best out there of it’s kind.

It’s only going to get better with all the changes and additions.

Well done Jeremy, I’m proud of you!


looks really good. liking the new colorways.


Wish I could see them! In China atm and for some reason most pics and vids dont display. Can’t even use facebook cause of censorship!!


Makes sense, we do need a skate image for the skating section and a the same for the surfing section. Also, I must say the frontpage has been flooded with the information for the 2010 product range. If you haven’t checked it out recently, you should!