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Five Things I Have Never Done…

Azz - 01 November 2011 10:56 AM
BKM - 01 November 2011 10:53 AM

5. Jumped off the waterfall at Litchfield smile

I looked long and hard at that one when I was there many moons ago.
Funny, I was just talking about how awesome Litchfield NP is this afternoon. shaka

Litchfield is awesome! Bring a Go pro and backflip off! smile


1. heli-boarding
2. sky-diving
3. spent a season in whistler
4. owned a dog
5. cured cancer


You’ve never owned a dog :O whaaaaa???


1. landed a backflip
2. married megan fox
3. boarded canadian pow
4. had a 3sem
5. had a shoe beer

hopefully they all come true drool

blackbanana - 01 November 2011 12:02 PM

4. had a threesome
5. had a shoe beer

The Ullr boys took care of these two at the Shred - with each other.


who are the ullr boys? is that mizu??



Easy tiger!

chucky - 01 November 2011 12:07 PM
blackbanana - 01 November 2011 12:02 PM

4. had a threesome
5. had a shoe beer

The Ullr boys took care of these two at the Shred - with each other.

Yeah, Ullr Dad played no part in any of that!!!!!

Not to say I didn’t encourage any of it though!!!!!


1. Snowboarded in Greenland
2. Been a member of a Bowling/RSL/Leagues Club
3. Had a pony tail
4. Been propositioned to by an Afghani shoe salesman
5. Had a facebook account

Azz - 01 November 2011 11:19 AM
chucky - 01 November 2011 11:17 AM

Besides, NONE of that even comes close to being the Dad of the most awesome kids in the known universe (in my eyes).

That one I shall challenge you on (in my eyes) smile

Gentlemen - that shall be a three way dual!


1. Skydiving
2. Been outside Australia.
3. Flown an aeroplane.
4. Surfed enough.
5. Snowboarded enough.


1. Snowboarded in Europe
2. Had a ‘real’ job
3. Surfed outside of Australia
4. Been to Adelaide or Perth
5. Broken a bone (thanks Billy, stole that one wink)


1. never been to Canada
2. never been to Japow
3. never been to NZud
4. never been to South America
5. Never been to Selywn wink


1, Skied or Boarded Whistler (or any where in Canada for that matter event though i lived there :-( )
2. Heliskied
3. Boarded a black run.
4. Eaten at Michelin star Restaurant
5. Flown First Class

Azz - 01 November 2011 10:52 AM

You ladies have me feel good about myself…............. I have done all of that stuff you listed.

Me too Azz well except I haven’t been to Tasmania!