The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Welcome to BW Kristy! I’m the resident female mexican - my season pass is for Hotham/Falls creek next year.
A new board is always very exciting!! Did you have a chance to use it?
Yes very very exciting, no have not used it and wont be able to till next year which is a shame but have something to look forward to!
buh just realized this is for girls.
Hey everybody!! Moving to Lake Louise, Alberta!! Any crazy idaes of what to do there till the snow??
Hey there, welcome to Boardworld.
Introduce yourself in this thread too:
Ask questions about Lake Louise here:
Would you like us to make your screen name shorter, so it’s not your email address?
Sup guys! I decided to finally joint the forums.
I’m from Melbourne so I learned to ride at Buller and go there a lot when I am home (gotta love half price student Tuesday!)
I’ve worked a couple seasons at Mt Ruapehu in NZ (08 and 11) and will probably go back there again next year. Did ‘09 at Hotham. Currently in Canada looking for work. Got four interviews so should end up working somewhere!
Welcome mate!
Good to have another Melbournian on here
Im a Falls rider, and Hotham a bit too. But should organise a ride next season. There is definately more Viccos on here now
Hi everyone! Finally decided to join the ranks and add to the growing army of extreme women! Girls only section = awesome!
Welcome aboard!
Big welcome to all!!
There is definately more Viccos on here now
Awesome that there more of us ‘Mexican’ girls!!
only just realised i posted in the “girls thread”
Hello I am Alannah Heaton from Australia and have and internet marketing company.
Hey Alannah, welcome to Boardworld!
Okay well…
Hey to everyone!! I dont know how many girls still post on here, but I’ll give it a go anyhow.
My name is Teresa, but I go by Tess/Tessa. I live in Ohio, USA and I’m 15 years old in two days from posting this (8 April) and my early birthday present was my first skateboard!! (I go and pick out my present with my parents because they wouldnt know what to get me to surprise me… lol)
Ive been skating for more or less a week, and I really enjoy it. My skateboard is a complete Zoo York with 51mm 99a Zoo York wheels, low Zoo York trucks, and a Zoo York deck. I really love it!! ^_^
I joined this forum/website to talk to more skaters about skating stuff, cuz most of my friends dont skate. I’m hoping to meet a lot of cool people, and some girls who share the same interest in skateboarding as me.
Message me or whatever if you wanna talk and stuff. I love meeting new people!!! =]
Lots of Luvvvv,
Hey Tess! Welcome to BW!! Good to have a girl skater on here!
Welcome Tess! There are plenty of skaters around for you to chat with! Enjoy!