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Jeremy Jones and his headband


Why arent kids wearing the headband?
Shaun White wore the bandanna over his face and kids followed suit so much that companies emerged just to sell bandannas…
and the product soon became an additional accessory for many companies.

So, why hasnt Jeremy’s headband taken off? He’s been rocking it for years now…
Personally I find it reminiscent of the Vince Neil headband… which I think was just to cover his hairline.
Which leads me to wonder… just how much hair has Jeremy lost?


yeah, but nobody cares about THAT Jeremy Jones…


Kids relate to Shaun because they grew up wanting to be Shaun. He has so much appeal in the skate market too. I’m surprised kids aren’t dying their hair red! wink I’m sure Jeremy had the same sort of appeal to his generation, as did riders like JP Walker.

Let’s be honest though, wearing a bandana is somewhat practical, which is at least part of the reason they became popular. Shaun just took it to extreme proportions. But that’s why he is worth so much money… he sets trends and has the potential to sell millions of dollars worth of anything he attaches his name or image to.

Gamblor - 06 May 2010 05:08 AM

yeah, but nobody cares about THAT Jeremy Jones…

But it is the “freestyle” Jeremy Jones… not the “big mountain” Jeremy Jones that I’m talking about.

rider26 - 07 May 2010 08:38 AM

Kids relate to Shaun because they grew up wanting to be Shaun. He has so much appeal in the skate market too. I’m surprised kids aren’t dying their hair red! wink I’m sure Jeremy had the same sort of appeal to his generation, as did riders like JP Walker.

Let’s be honest though, wearing a bandana is somewhat practical, which is at least part of the reason they became popular. Shaun just took it to extreme proportions. But that’s why he is worth so much money… he sets trends and has the potential to sell millions of dollars worth of anything he attaches his name or image to.

I agree.
Jeremy makes a ton of money through videos and he’s so well respected. I just wonder with someone that has his following, why something like that hasnt picked up.Atleast with the over 30 aging (and balding) crowd. lol

Maybe I should start rocking the bandana headband. smile

snowslider - 09 May 2010 07:32 PM
Gamblor - 06 May 2010 05:08 AM

yeah, but nobody cares about THAT Jeremy Jones…

But it is the “freestyle” Jeremy Jones… not the “big mountain” Jeremy Jones that I’m talking about.

I know. Right now, there is WAY more hype about big mountain Jeremy Jones in the snowboard world. Look up ‘Jones Snowboards’ and ‘Deeper’

Gamblor - 09 May 2010 11:35 PM
snowslider - 09 May 2010 07:32 PM
Gamblor - 06 May 2010 05:08 AM

yeah, but nobody cares about THAT Jeremy Jones…

But it is the “freestyle” Jeremy Jones… not the “big mountain” Jeremy Jones that I’m talking about.

I know. Right now, there is WAY more hype about big mountain Jeremy Jones in the snowboard world. Look up ‘Jones Snowboards’ and ‘Deeper’

I had heard that he was putting together his own line, is it part of the Mervin / libtech family? or does he just use magne-traction?
I’m down with riding the 159 All-mtn twin. That’s a board for me, right there. It eve had a rocker/camber mix.

Thanks for sharing. The “big mtn” Jeremy has always had a lot of respect in the snowboarding community, but doesnt get as much face time as the “fresstyle” Jeremy. And “big mtn” Jeremy always having rode for Rossignol diddnt help him…. just not being part of a “Core” company I think diminishes someone’s cool factor, unfortunately. Atleast from my persepctive in my little corner of the world. I hope it has not been that way globally. (kind of like David Benedeck, having always rode for Salomon, I think is WAY underrated. but yet was voted rider of the year not long ago by one of the magazines. I think Salomon only allowed him to get so much press and video time, versus someone who rides for a more “core company like Forum or Burton, etc.)

Well, respect to Big mtn JJ for making it happen. I hope this is what he has wanted… A lot of rider owned companies can really change the game. I’ll be watching.
I hope they make good business decisions, and are successful.


Jones Snowboards is made in the Nidecker factory in Switzerland (same as YES). They have licenced magne-traction from Mervin but have made it more ‘mellow’. One interesting development is that they have included this mellow magne-traction on the inside edge of their splitboard.
I had the chance to ride Jones’ last board with Rossi - the one that xavier de le rue is riding now, and it is such a sick board. The nose rocker is unnoticeable but you just find yourself floating in deeper snow. In gnarly terrain that would be my go-to board for sure. The Jones’ Flagship is quite similar to the Rossi.
Check out this vid.

The Twin they have has the Nidecker camrock (like the YES boards).
The Hovercraft is the closest thing to a fish without being a fish. Looks so much fun.
I do have to say though, that with the type of riding that my friends and I do, we are the ‘target’ audience for a company like Jones. Jib kids would not be so interested


I like big mountain boards. especially freestyle twin big mountain boards, but truly I dont ride big mountains. I ride small mountains, and I’m seldom in powder. so to buy a board built for powder is almost a waste. I cant buy a board that is made for conditions that I only see one or two days each season, ya know. I wish it werent so, but it’s true.

I have a board I call my pipe board, but I like it’s tight radius and narrow waist width, so I ride it on the hill normally and enjoy carving on it. I try to keep the edges healthy.

I have my board I use almost all of the time, it is a ROME and it keep the edges dull and beveled. I cant carve on it like I would like to, but I find myself hitting rocks adn jibbing any material I can, so the base is shot, but it’s a soft playful board that I can take anywhere. Gravel wont deter me. I like being on that board all the time cause I can ride on anything with it. Any other board I’m too careful with it.
I’ve not bought a new board in quite a few years now. I almost bought the banana this season (I’m NoHe, season just ended).
My next season I’ll consider buying a board again, it all depends on money and timing, ya know!
I’ll consider Jones boards for sure.
the only nidecker I’ve rode was a quality board, and my friend that owned it swore by it. He loved it.


The Jones headband can be seen at Hotham.


I know what you mean about beater boards being fun!


My hair needs to get alittle longer and I will rock the bandana… Perhaps boardworld should get some bandanas made up lol.

I actually used to wear them heaps a few years back

darb - 13 May 2010 02:02 AM

My hair needs to get alittle longer and I will rock the bandana… Perhaps boardworld should get some bandanas made up lol.

I actually used to wear them heaps a few years back

Making bandanas would be a very inexpensive accessory to produce!!!!!