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WHY?  ~The Philosophy thread~


Thanks K2, I remember he said he was going Tropo now smile

Azz - 24 October 2011 09:09 PM
Mizu Kuma - 24 October 2011 08:21 PM

You guys need to watch that episode of The Simpsons with the Time Traveling Toaster!!!!!

Its so much fun to mess with teenagers heads.

Until ya get the bill from the therapist!!!!!


Azz, I think you’re forgetting that we’re the ones that will look after you when you’re old :D

On the whole philosiphical thing, I believe that what we percieve is real because I have no reason to doubt it. Although I did go through a stage of questioning after I watched The Matrix!


I’m all over that Yoshi.

We have picked “The Golden Child” they are the chosen one to look after us in our twilight years smile


“The Golden Child” = Neither Wildman nor Fish Munga?????

Did I at least get this one close?????


way off again, its one of those two…....... at the moment, can and will change depending on childs income, future earnings projections and place of residence.

You can guess which one ticks the most boxes so far tongue laugh


I’ll have to go for the hat trick and say Wildman????

But only cause he’s rubbin shoulders with the rich knobs down at the Yachty!!!!!!  cool hmm


Oh yeah, and if he’s still workin there ya get cheap steaks for dinner too!!!!!!


LOL only if he is on the till LOL

Hanging for him to be behind the bar billy


Call me when that happens, and we’ll come for another visit!!!!!!  LOL


Time travel is not possible as time itself doesn’t exist. Not in the fixed sense that we perceive it anyway.

If we were able to change past events it would not alter the present. People from now would still recall the events as they remember them, you would only change events on a dimensional linear tangent.

To really screw the whole theory up;
If you believe in the fixed ideal of time - ie: the tick, tick, tick of a clock we are all traveling through time.
But this does not exist, time is irrelevant and fluid - it slows, speeds up, the past exists now as well as all future events which are evident in the present. Our perception exists not in the reality of now, we exist a second or so in the future while living in the past of our memory while reality remains hidden behind a veil of illusion.

The past is always being altered to change the present by those that write about history.

I think i’ve contradicted myself enough for one post.

If I could alter the past I would not have gone to Cairns and I’m doing my best to alter that reality in my head


Sounds like an interesting tale to be told there spaz smile


Like all events in my life Azz….

To quote Jim Morrison “Was your life enough to base a movie on”

Hell yes!!!!!!!! I’m living…

spaz - 26 October 2011 04:36 AM

Like all events in my life Azz….

To quote Jim Morrison “Was your life enough to base a movie on”

Hell yes!!!!!!!! I’m living…

“I like when they say a movie is inspired by a true story. That’s kind of silly. ‘Hey, Mitch, did you hear that story about that lady who drove her car into the lake with her kids and they all drowned?’ ‘Yeah, I did, and you know what — that inspires me to write a movie about a gorilla!’”
— Mitch Hedberg, “Do You Believe in Gosh?”


I smell an Aristotle hate thread.
But nah, as Rene Descartes said himself; ‘Congito Ergo Sum’ translated into ‘I think therefore I am’ Proving his and everyone else’s existence.