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Staying Logged In


Hey guys,

sorry if this has been asked before:

How do I stay logged in?
Every time I close this site I have to log in again - bit of a pain really.


Could it be related to you browser and it’s security settings?
I’m using Firefox and I dont think I’ve changed much from the default settings, I stay logged in.


This issue will be fixed when we launch the new graphics and website features.

For now, instead of logging in at the top right, first click ‘Forums’, then ‘Login’ next to where it says ‘Welcome Guest’. Here there are options to remain logged in.

Sorry for the inconvenience. This and many other issues will be fixed in the coming weeks.


Thanks heaps
No inconvenience at the moment - but would be in about a month


No problem, let me know if the above solves your problem.

rider26 - 11 May 2010 04:43 AM

No problem, let me know if the above solves your problem.

Sure did cool smile

snowslider - 11 May 2010 03:14 AM

Could it be related to you browser and it’s security settings?
I’m using Firefox and I dont think I’ve changed much from the default settings, I stay logged in.

I must correct myself.
I dont stay logged in.
When using Firefox, I have my username and password saved via browser settings and so when I bring up the website, I just click once to sign in - as the fields of UN and pass are allready filled out for me.


Soon there will be a feature similar to this…