The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Q is for Queen Olives!!!!!!
R is for Raspberries
S is for Souvlaki!!!!!!
T is for Tomatoes
EDIT: $hit!!!!! Lucky I went back and read the instructions - I originally put Teacher Boy!
Then again, Spanish wouldn’t mind…
U is for Undies…......... Grandma’s Undies!!!!!!
Umm, interesting diet there Miz…......... I’ll just pretend I never read that…........
V is for Vegetables
W is for Water
X is for X rated movie feast !!!!!!!!
Plus you missed Billy’s game we played at the Shred!!!!! It was called Grandma’s Undies!!!!!!
Plus you missed Billy’s game we played at the Shred!!!!! It was called Grandma’s Undies!!!!!!
Oh yeah, best game ever! I should definitely get a prize pack for that!!