The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


moved topics


I was just looking at the topic about buying a new camera.
It is listed in the social area as moved… and when selected it redirects to the photography section, but it is still listed in social.

If it’s been moved I suppose it redirects to the right location… but then is it really moved? or is it just double posted now?
I thought if it had been moved then it would no longer be there.
I dont know what normal is in this situation.


I think that was my fault. It wont happen again but I dont know how to fix it now. When I moved it, I had the option of keeping a thread in the original area so people know. What I wasnt counting on was it popping up over and over again. I thought it would just go down the page. I tried to delete it, but I think it will delete everything. I will check it out once more.

Mods, if you move a thread, don’t do what I did. Uncheck the box to keep a thread in the original area.


Fixed. I move it again, then moved it back. smile


I havent moved any topics yet, but it’s good to know a little about how this happened.